Agent Turned Spy

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Ever since he first met Xia Agent Smith had watched her when he was in his office he searched for her through the program but could never find her for she had no code which he found strange but her parents did so he followed her mothers programming and found out when and where Xia was working then while staying in the shadows or creating threats to anyone who saw him to not inform her that he was there or he would make their life inside a living hell in not so many words.... possibly..... but she knew somehow she knew that.... someone.... was watching her someone of "great power" that would make the once calm into an out right fear frenzy the whole atmosphere seemed to change after the threats were made and she could feel them but she ignored them and concentrated on the job at hand....

Agent Smith found out just how different Xia was to other people in her line of work her smile was fake though it seems that only he could tell just how fake it was her tone was different as well as though she was trying to fake her mother's sugary ways.... her false lovey tone was still much better than her mother's it still seemed real to them still beautiful.... tempting..... alluring.... sexy..... she never kissed or let the "men" touch her.... unless it was to hold her hand.... she never went further than that they weren't even allowed to wrap their arms around her waist for it would be all to easy for the hand to "slip" up or down her body to her back or butt she was self conscious to their touch it either made her want to throw up or punch their lights out.... as she told Agent Smith.... she had broken hands, wrists, arms etc before mostly when the "man" was "to eager" and tried anyway....

Agent Smith followed Xia and her client as they walked around when he saw them hold hands his fist clenched and he had to stop himself from rushing up and beating the man himself.... or at least making the mans life miserable.... also he was almost afraid of how she would react to him doing such a thing.... he barely knew her and he wanted to get to know her but if he did what those "men" made him WANT to do to them he would never get the chance to do so.... he watched how careful she was she surprised him she was not what he expected he knew the dictionary definition of a seductress 'a woman who seduces someone, especially one who entices a man into sexual activity' and what the job "normally entails" but she didn't seem to do that and yet she is VERY popular more popular than her own mother how was it that he was able to tell what was real and what wasn't with her?! no one else seemed to be able too....

 he watched how careful she was she surprised him she was not what he expected he knew the dictionary definition of a seductress 'a woman who seduces someone, especially one who entices a man into sexual activity' and what the job "normally entail...

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One day after Agent Smith interrogated Neo Xia came back to the Agency no one had called her in for a job but she came anyway and went straight for his office the receptionist once again yelled at her this time to try and tell her that she couldn't go back there and once again the receptionist was ignored.... Xia knocks on Agent Smith's office door "enter"  she hears his deep monotoned drawl say and she opens the door she could tell that behind his shades his eyes widened and she smiles at him then says "I was wondering.... if you had the time after chasing my friend and following me all over the Matrix!.... if you would like to be my client for the day.... you are already dressed for such an occasion and I have freed my calendar for the next few days... just in case.... but if you are too busy....!"  he stood up from behind his desk with a smile on his face and walks over to her he looks at her and says his smile never leaving his lips "I have been curious!"  she looks at him and teases pretending to straighten his already straight tie  "who knows Agent Smith.... I might just break a few rules of mine.... just for you!"  his eyebrow raises intrigued by her words as she turns around and walks away he follows as though compelled by her movements and words and they walk out of the office

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