A Girl Worth Fighting For

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Xia stands behind Neo as Trinity drives the ship "sentinels"  Trinity says "there's too many"  Neo says in a strained voice Xia places her hands on his shoulders "here Neo let me help.... it's okay!.... go ahead!"  she says in a soft calm voice there were still too many but the strain it put on him wasn't as bad his tense body calms and he was able to concentrate better she feels a sentinel spirit like thing fly through him and orders "Trinity fly higher.... the storm could....!"  Neo says breathlessly "she's right.... go up go over them the sky it's the only way"  Trinity replies "then up we go"  Xia let's go of Neo's shoulders and takes a step back she knew that Trinity still didn't know her enough to trust her or possibly even like her so she stayed back "beautiful"  Trinity whispers when she sees the sky above the storm and before the ship falls back down into the storm clouds "pump the igniter the ship will start"  Neo says "again slowly"  Neo says after Trinity pumps it a few times "now!"  Neo says Trinity hits a button and the ship starts back up again.... as they crash into what may have been some sort of building Xia pushes Trinity out of the way toppling on top of her as they fall away from the pilot seat and onto the floor nearly missing the wires that fell through the window "Trin? Trinity? Trinity?"  Neo calls in a scared and worried tone as he gets out of his seat "he called for you... now answer the poor boy!"  Xia teases as she stands up "I'm here"  Trinity answers in a soft breathy voice "I fear I may have squished her just a bit Neo!"  Xia teases as she helps Neo find Trinity Neo chuckles then when Xia stops moving he kneels down and feels for Trinity and says "we made it"  Trinity replies "you said we would"  Xia kneels down on her other side and teases "alright girl sit up let's see the damage my body caused you!"  Trinity softly chuckles as Neo and Xia help her sit up "there are a few scrapes and possibly bruises.... I am uncertain whether we have something clean to wrap them up in and stop the bleeding though"  Xia says as she checks Trinity's back "I'll be fine.... let's just go!"  Trinity replies Trinity stands up and Neo says "it's unbelievable Trin.... light everywhere like the whole thing is built of light I wish you could see what I see"  Trinity answers softly "you've already shown me so much"   Xia teases "alright you two save the mushy stuff for later!"  Neo and Trinity chuckle as they reach their destination.....

"I fear the rest is up to Neo Trinity.... we're more of a cheering section from here on out!"  Xia says Trinity nods "you trained her well I see!"  Xia teases Neo and he chuckles then replies with a smile "yea.... I suppose I did!"  Neo takes the two womens hands as he walks in the middle of the two of them up to a platform like balcony thing that the girls have to stand behind him just to fit on without falling off "I only ask to say what I have come to say after that do what you want I won't stop you"  Neo tells the machines that float around him Trinity starts to run up to him but Xia lightly grips her arm to stop her and says "he's doing what he has to.... we cannot interfere...."  she pauses then says "yet!"  Xia looks into Trinity's eyes and says "he is in no danger as long as he plays along.... if you try to stop him!.... if you go near him!.... they are worse than all the Smith's put together!.... we are his strength Trinity!.... if we show weakness.... then he will become weak.... do you understand!?!"  Trinity stops moving and nods the smaller machines come together and create a face their loud mechanical voice booms "speak"  Neo looks back at Xia and she nods at him understandingly "the program Smith has grown beyond your control soon he will spread through the city as he spread through the Matrix you cannot stop him but I can"  Neo says the machine face yells "we don't need you we need nothing"  they swarm apart and swirl around angrily  "if that's true then I've made a mistake and you should kill me now"  Neo says Xia grips Trinity's arm one more time before she tries to run up to him again and says "I believe people call it putting on a brave face.... you say you know him.... then listen to his tone!.... it is unlike Neo to place no emotion within.... he knows what he is doing Trinity!.... and if you don't believe that"  she let's go of her arm and says waving her hands towards her friend who now faces a swarm of machines who could kill him in a instant without a care "then by all means.... go to him!.... but if he dies.... the blame gets placed on you.... not the machines!.... they are only testing him.... making sure he is worthy.... remember.... he isn't the first "One"!"  Trinity doesn't move....

Neo, Trinity and Xia walk side by side in the pouring rain it was as though they were walking under a large waterfall at night a line of Smith clones on either side of the street and inside every building surrounding them

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Neo, Trinity and Xia walk side by side in the pouring rain it was as though they were walking under a large waterfall at night a line of Smith clones on either side of the street and inside every building surrounding them.... watching them as they walked Xia hadn't realized that Smith made so many of himself and now she wondered if it was the REAL Smith she made love to if it was the REAL Smith's child(ren..... for who knows she could be carrying more than one) she was carrying inside her "Neo!?!.... I didn't know it was THIS bad!!..... I.....!"  she whispers with a hint of fear in her tone Neo takes her hand and squeezes it as though to tell her that it was alright "can he even be saved now!?!.... or is it too late!?!"  she whispers sadly Neo looks at her sorrowfully "it's too late isn't it!?!"  Neo turns his head and smiles sadly at her then replies "you would tell me that it is never too late!"  she gives him a half smile as one of the Smith's walk out of the crowd towards them Xia and Trinity move to the side.... but not near the clones.... and Neo keeps walking "Mr Anderson welcome back"  Smith says and then he notices Xia standing by Trinity soaked in now see through clothes one of the clones walks up and covers her with his suit jacket but she doesn't move or acknowledge any of them "we missed you"  Smith says while looking into Xia's eyes and she seems to look right past him.... he turns back to Neo and asks "you like what I've done with the place?"  Neo replies "it ends tonight.... I will not put Xia through any more heartbreak!"  Smith looks over at Xia sadly then back to Neo and says "I know it does I've seen it that's why the rest of me is just going to enjoy the show because we already know that I'm the one that beats you"

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