Chapter 4

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As soon as we drive off my waves of sadness continue to crash down at the pit of my stomach. My phone lights up from Landon even though I can still see him behind us at the end of the street.

L- Landon J-Juliet


L - I already miss you Jules.

J - I do 2. Just talked to S & C and they said I will continue to go to SWH so Ill see you when sem starts again.

(A/N Stanford West High....I made it up! Don't judge me! XD)

L - Thank God. Jules....?

J - yeah?

L - Did you mean it?

I stop and think about our relationship. If I want it to go further or not.

J - Yes Lan


and he doesn't reply. Probably because he is jumping around on the road. I look out the window when Sam and Colby take me to their house and my new destiny.

I have my backpack in the back with me so I can grab my wallet and phone and other essentials if we go out anywhere. We pull into the drive way when the car stops. Sam was driving and so Colby opened my door for me. "Welcome to the house!" I stare in awe at the large building in front of me and internally I scream. Who the hell can afford a place like this?! Obviously, I didn't need an answer to the question because they pull out their keys and open the large oak doors to see a group of people standing in front of the door. They have a large sign that has "WELCOME HOME JULIET!" my mouth jaw drops to the floor and I find confusion creeping up on me. Who are these people? What are they doing in the house? How do they know my name? Can I have food? (A/N, by this time it is about mid day...she takes a lot of time packing. ) "Hi" I say giving them all a smile.

The first man has a beard chocolate brown as well as his hair and his eyes, soft and comforting. Then there was another man, having his arm around a girls shoulder. He has a soft face of happiness and his teeth glistening white has he gives me a big, goofy smile. His hair dark brown and up in a man bun which is slightly falling out. The girl at the end of his arm has glistening, fragile, piercing blue eyes just like my new brothers. Her hair is a light brown and is at shoulder length. And at the very end, a boy with soft attributes and lighter brown hair then the rest. His smile friendly and kind. Happiness and nothing more then welcoming vibes ooze from them as Sam and Colby introduce me to each of them individually. The man with the beard's name is Elton, The man and the girls names are Corey and Devyn as well as the boy on the ends name being Aaron. When all of a sudden two dogs appear there is an adorable little one that comes straight up to me and started sniffing and licking my hand that is petting him. The other dog is white with one blue eye and one black. I stare at the dogs fur as I pet her and see patches of a fading pink. Elton smiles at me and gives and laughing glare at Sam and Colby, "See, we had a prank war and it started because your brothers dyed my dog pink!" I started snickering and he laughed with me. Sam comes up beside me and puts an arm around my shoulder once I stand up again. "These are our roommates."


I hope your enjoying this story as much as I am writing it. Please vote, follow, share and comment if you think this is good or not and any advise or ideas you have!

Bye fam! <3

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