Chapter 31

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So! there were so many names that I loved! I ended up asking people and they all voted on the same name but I REALLY liked this name but it was extremely hard to choose and I loved every single name that was offered. I felt bad that I had to choose one name so I'm going to involve the other names in this story some how.


When I woke up this morning, I felt different. I felt happier and just overall, in a better mood. A soft face is curled up to mine with soft licks kissing my nose and my cheeks. I open my eyes and see my puppy laying on my pillow next to my face, licking me to wake me up. I giggle, petting her softly. "Come on." I call, putting her on the floor and walking down stairs. I use my phone and record her, trying to get down the stairs. She stumbles the first time but then manages to get down the rest slowly and gracefully. "Should I name you Grace?" I ask the puppy as we makes it to the floor. I walk into the kitchen when I notice something out of the corner of my eye. A person lies sprawled out on the couch in the game room with a pillow over their face. I recognise Landon and giggle at his cuteness. I take a photo of him and post it on instagram. "Not much has changed Lan..." I walk into the kitchen and grab some bread, shoving it into the toaster. "You're hungry, aren't you girl?" I say looking at the puppy who is trying to get to my food. I place the bowel down, running up the stairs to Elton's room. I lightly knock on the door before opening to see him asleep in his bed with his laptop on his lap. I shut the door quietly then knock lightly on Aaron's. "Come in." I here someone say in a groggy voice. I open the door to see Aaron lying in bed on his phone. "Hey, did I wake you up?" I ask soft. He shook his head for an answer. "Hey, do you mind if I use some of Buddy's food for Luna?" "Did you name her Luna?" He asks me and I shrug. "Im playing around with names, calling her different things to see which suits." I say, giggling as Buddy jumps on my legs. "No, go ahead, its in the bottom corner cupboard on the left." He says and I smile, nodding my head. I head back down to the hall and I see the the golden fluff ball at the top of the stairs. I pick her up and take her down so that she doesn't have to go again. I grab another bowel from the cupboard and fill one with water and one with a scoop of dog food from Aaron's bag. I place them on the floor next to me and pull out a fry pan. My toast was on slow cook so that I have time to cook bacon and eggs. While the pan heats up, I look at my phone.

All of a sudden, two warm arms wrap around my waist  and a chin meets my shoulder. I look over to Landon, who's eyes are hardly even open because they are drowsy and newly opened for the day. He then moves away from me, setting himself down on the dining table. "What'cha making?" he says whilst resting his chin on his hand. "Eggs and Bacon, you fave." I say. Im not doing it for him necessarily, I wanted crispy bacon because it sounded really good when I woke up and it just so happened that he was here when I made some. I pulled out chocolate milk and gave him a glass while soon putting down the plate in front of him. "Thank you Jules." He says and I give him a smile whilst feasting on my own food. We share quick, happy glances at each other all breakfast without saying a word. We smiled at each other until Landon broke the silence. "This is really good?! How did you give bacon such an amazing flavour?" He asks after swallowing his last bite. I shrug my shoulders and give him a soft smile. I got back up and ended making eggs and bacon on toast for the rest of the house, Landon helping me with the toast and eggs. Once we made them all food, I poured everyone a glass of milk and walked up to their rooms, Landon and I carrying a plastic tray each that I found at the back of one of the cupboards. From Elton, to Aaron, we then sprinted back downstairs for two more trays that we set up and went back up the stairs to Corey and Devyn's room. We knocked before walking in, giving them both breakfast in bed. I got a kiss on the cheek from Devyn before we headed back down for the last three trays. I held one on one arm and the other on my other. I was some how managing to balance the glasses of milks steadily on the trays with the food without spilling any as we went to Colby's room first. I gave him a morning hug and Landon gave him a tray, "Thanks guys!" He said, quickly grabbing his knife and fork to begin eating. Landon took the other tray from me as we knocked on Sam's door. I opened it to find what I suspected and gladly made extra for, Kat and Sam were sitting in bed watching a show on Sam's laptop together. "good morning lover birds!" I say, handing Kat her tray. She gives me a loving hug from her bed and Landon hands Sam his tray, giving me a hug when I walk around for one. I head into my room with Landon in tow after he ran down stairs to get the puppy. "Did you get her?" I ask when I see her in his arms. "Yep!" he responds and comes into my room. He puts her down on my bed and the yellow fluff ball curls into a ball next to him. "Hey, Im going to go out and grab some stuff for her, like food and stuff. Ill see you later!" I say whilst grabbing her in my arms, giving him a hug and getting ready to go out. I walk into the hall way to go to Colby's room. "Colby, I'm going to the store to buy stuff for the puppy, Ill be back soon." I say and he nods his head. I get out to the car and decide to drive. I park in the parking lot ,delicately picking up her in my arms and walking into the store. 

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