Chapter 27

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Thank you to the advice from @Kallie614   I really appreciate your help. 

Also, thanks to the awesome artwork from @I_like_eddsworld  . Its not for this story but she stopped doing this because I updated which makes me feel honoured. Thank you guys! <3


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The night slowly drifts away. At 3:00am, a hand touches my shoulder. I turn around to find a awake Colby beside me. "Hey, go get some sleep, you have been driving for more then 8 hours." He says whilst I quickly turn my head back to the road. I pull onto the side of the road and Colby takes over, slowly moving until he gets used to it. I fall asleep before my head even hits the pillow, dreaming about the beach and all the fun stuff we have done on our holiday.

I wake up to someone shaking me. I realised that I was so tired that I never pulled my bed out and just slept in the booth of the table. "What?" I say my speech coming out muffled. My eyes are shut and my mouth stuffed against my pillow. The light in the RV is to bright and I don't want to open my eyes. "We are here." The soft voice says. Its Sam as he lightly rubs my arm. "Ok." I say whilst not wanting to get up. I manage to get myself up and I quickly get changed in the tiny space that is our bathroom. Im wearing a pair of black denim shorts and a t-shirt that is light blue. I make my way out the door to meet the guys when instead I see mountains of soft, golden sand. I walk up to the guys who are around the front of the RV with sleds and camera's galore. I grab a body board and we start to scale the mountain, the wind, forceful and sand irritating my eyes. I rub them lot to try and get the sand out of my eyes when I see something held out to me. Its Elton, he has a pair of glasses that are black rimmed in his hand, offering them to me. "Thanks" I say, accepting them politely. I slip them on and no sand came into my eyes.      "Thanks for driving last night, Im not surprised that you had to be woken up at 10. You were so tired, you could have slept in another 3 hours if it weren't for Sam." I nod my head and we continue to scale the mountain. It was hot and before we left, I grabbed my backpack and stuffed it with water bottles so the climb was extra tiring. When we got to the top, the wind was warm, the sand still swished around and I laughed at my hair which I had thrown into a pony tail and was now strung all over my face. I looked down the steep mountain we had just climbed, wishing that an escalator had been built. "Is it really worth going down to come back up again?" I though. I shrugged my shoulders and got a running start and booked it down the mountain. I wanted to scream but sand would go into my mouth if I did and that would have been nasty. I felt like I would never stop going until I started to slow down. I realised that I was almost 20 meters away from the bottom of the mountain I just went down. The wind, still playing with my hair that I quickly tied it in a top knot so that I wouldn't have to have my hair in my face again. I went a couple of other times, the camera in my hand when I went backwards and when I went standing up. I slipped off and face planted in the sand. It was really painful when my nose came into contact with what I thought was a soft pillow of sand which instead felt like face planting into a rock. When I pulled my head out, my face was covered in sand and I laughed when it was stuck to my face. Corey came racing down beside me and managed to stop himself because I made it halfway down the hill. "Are you alright?" He asked me and I just continued to laugh. He joined in as we trudged our way back up the rest of the mountain.

"Ill race you guys!" I called and we lined ourselves. I got onto my board, ready next to Elton and Sam. "3, 2, 1..... GO!" I yell and use my feet to push off the mountain. I feel the wind whip my loose hairs around behind me and feel the warm breeze push against me. I see a body out of the corner of my eye pass me, he makes it to the bottom a few seconds before Elton then I do. Corey gets off his board and starts jumping up and down at his victory. Then, all of a sudden, pain washes over his face and he starts to groan in pain. "Corey! Whats wrong?" I call, getting off my board and getting to him as quickly as I could. "Nothing, I think I'm going to go back to the RV" Corey asks, obviously trying to keep the pain from lacing his voice. "Sure, I also have some pain medicine in my suitcase in the front top pouch you can have." Elton says, meaningfully. He nods, thanks him and heads off back down the the RV. "Corey! Wait!" I call out. He turns around and I trow him a water bottle. "Thanks, Jules." We continue to ride down the mountains until we decide to take a short break. "Elton, can you do a backflip from here?" Colby asks as we sit on the side of another mountain. He makes the surface flat and flips, just scraping his head on the sand and stumbling backwards. He laugh as he continues to attempt more flips.                         "Can you do one Jules?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders. "Never really tried." I simply say and he grabs my arm and pulls me up from where I'm sitting. I feel his hands graze on my lower back and in between my shoulder blades. "Just jump backwards on the count of three. 1... 2....3" I jump, feeling his hands support my back, allowing my to glide gracefully, landing the flip. "Nice job!" Elton says, giving me a high five. I laugh and fist pump Colby and Sam before I go back to the spot and continue to attempt without Elton. I face plant the first couple of times but they didn't laugh or embarrass me because by the end of it, I could land a back flip without even thinking about it.

We head back to the RV, dripping in sweat and sand covering every inch of us. I jump in the tiny bathroom and rinse myself off, managing to get changed in there and not get my clothes wet. I step out and we start moving when I sit down next to Corey to talk to him. I pull out the UNO cards again so we can play. "You ok Corey?" I ask, trying to be kind. "Yeah, a few months back, I got into a jet skiing accident with Brennen and I got really messed up. I think I might have just bruised one of my previously broken ribs, thats all. I don't really know how but yeah, Im fine, thanks for asking." He says, giving me a warm side hug. Sam and Elton soon join us be because Colby is driving again. We stop at an Italian restaurant and we decide to have pizza for dinner. This has been the best trip of my life, It sucks that its ending in a couple of days. We laugh at a each others jokes and share bright smiles from one another. This is it. This is what I have always hoped for. This is family. 

Im sorry this chapter kinda sucked but thanks again for helping me and for your beautiful drawing! If anyone has an idea for the story, I would love to hear them but otherwise....

Stay true! <3

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