Chapter 26

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Sorry for the chapter number mix up! I have fixed it now!!!

We find ourselves back at the beach we were at yesterday. It was only an hour from the village so Elton drove us back after we came back inside. Colby and Sam woke me up so that I could walk down the ladder by myself. The water crashes down on the sand like it did yesterday. The sun is rising above us and we are in our bathing suits, ready for the next activity that Elton has in store for us.

A large family is setting themselves up for a beach day and Elton walks up to them. I roll my eyes at him interrupting them but then I realise that they are the group we are meeting. They situate us with life vests and ores.

"This is your board. I will come out with you guys at the start to show you guys what to do then you will go by yourselves." He says when I approach. They New Zealand accent is obvious and is very clear. The waves continue to crash and we get the board into the water and take in turns standing up on the board. We aren't graceful to say the least....

We push the ores through the water, feeling like we were gliding ontop of the crisp water beneath us. The sun reflects off the water, giving it a bright glow and the sky beautiful and clear of clouds. There wasn't much breeze. Just a nice amount that was refreshing and lovely as it kisses my cheeks. We started rocking, I collapsed to my knees because I couldn't hold my balance and a couple of splashes echo around me. Elton was laughing his head off when I looked back to see Sam and Corey in the water, Colby on his hands and knees like me and Elton standing at the back. I got up before Colby did, quickly moving my feet from side to side and jumping on it. With that, another splash made its way to my ears and I laugh at the karma of Sam and Corey now on the board and Elton in the water. "Paddle!" Sam calls and we grab the ores, pushing through the water as fast as we can. Elton grabs onto the rope on the back of the board and holds onto it so we don't move very much. We laugh as he gets back onto the board, dripping wet and shaking his head violently like a dog.

Once we paddled around, the instructor got off and a few other people got on. We continued to paddle most of the day away, going around the bay. We pushed each other in, we jumped up and down on the paddle board and we splashed each other with our ores until we were starting to get hungry. We got off at a platform in the middle of the bay.                                                              "It's not fair that I have driven ALMOST the entire way, thanks Jules, so we are going to play last man standing to see who is driving the rest of the way. If you are the last person on the platform for a whole minute then the others have to split the rest of the drive." He says. I nod as a response. I don't particularly love driving but it counts toward my full licence . We get up on the platform. I manage to get Colby and Sam off easily (probably because they are going easy because I'm their younger sister) and I manage to get Elton and Corey off after a bit of struggle. I stay on for twenty seconds before I am pushed into the cold, salty water. They push and shove each other until Elton is on the platform by himself. I try pulling his leg but he just uses his other one to make me loose my grip. He throws me the go pro when he knows I'm just going to watch and I record it all, including Corey getting shoulder slammed and Elton taking the victory. We all swim back to the beach, having a race to see who could get back first. I came in second after Colby and Elton came in third, Sam and Corey coming forth and fifth. Elton remains on the beach when Sam whispers in my ear: "Since we have to drive, we are going to leave him here so when he isn't looking, walk casually to the RV." I nod my head, making my way without Elton noticing. We get in the RV, Sam in the drivers seat with Colby next to him. I peer over Sam's shoulder when Elton is still packing up all the stuff. I go to the back of the RV to throw some clothes on over my bathers and we don't move. Colby and Sam go through the entire key chain, searching for the correct key to fit in the massive hole. I just laugh at them and not tell them when Elton makes his way to the RV. "Whatcha doin?" He asks, peering through the cracked open window. "Trying to find the key." Sam answers as if nothing had happened. I make eye contact with Elton whilst tears of laughter leave my eyes. I'm buckled over, holding my stomach because of the stitch that's quickly growing. I look at the key chain when Elton shows them, putting the plastic keychain in the car, starting the engine. "Go!" Colby calls and we start to pull out slowly. Elton dashes to the door and manages to get in, Corey not being fast enough. Sam and Colby give Corey death glares. "Can you go outside please?" Corey asks politely. "Why?" Elton questions and I just look at them, glad Elton is recording. "Please, your making me look bad in front of Sam and Colby!" He says, desperate for Elton to leave. Elton steps out, pulling out the foot step on the way out. The inside of the RV starts beeping loudly and it rings through my ears. We start to drive very slowly because it's Sams first time driving. "Colby, look in your side mirror!" I call out when I realise what Elton has done because I can't see him where we left him. "AHHH!" Colby screams through laughs. "YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE ME BEHIND!" I hear Elton shout and I'm on the floor, laughing really hard. "What the beeping?" Colby asks Elton when we stop and Elton is looking through the window. "I don't know. I think I broke it." Sam simply says whilst stroking his chin, looking around the steering wheel for a button or a flashing light.        "Oh my god. You almost got into a car accident with someone when you were pulling out and now you broke the RV?" Elton says through snickers. Corey finally opens the door for Elton and he climbs in. "Oh also, this was the beeping." Elton says, kicking the pull out stair back in. "OHHHH!" 's fill the air and we all begin to laugh. Sam began driving, he pulled out of the car park and we were in the middle of the road. "Pull on to your side of the road dude!" Elton laughs and we laugh as Sam quickly shifts onto the right side that we are supposed to me on. We start driving but he is extremely slow. "Jules, Elton... I don't know how you do this!" He laughs whilst gripping onto the steering wheel for deal life. He looks like he is going to be killed if he lets one finger slip. We are crawling along the road when another car comes down the other side of the hill, making us look hilariously slow. I snicker when Corey shoots me a look, snickering at what we both saw. I turn around to look behind us. Im sitting on Elton's bed, looking outside the window has thousands of trees and just through the gaps of them, lies the bright blue lake that we were just at. Just out the corner of my eye, a cop car follows behind us. "Uhhh.... Guys!" I call out. Corey looks with me and we make wide eyes at each other. "There is a cop car! Guys!" Corey calls when I sprint to the table and put my seatbelt on. I act like nothing has happened, sitting casually with Corey who slips into the booth next to me. "He just turned his lights on!" I call and Elton and Sam manage to swiftly swap places. Elton goes up the mountain at the required speed, making the cop shrink away in the distance. "I cant see him anymore!" I call, a smile creeping on my face. I high-five Corey and we got back to Elton's bed to sit down. We end up playing with some UNO cards I brought with us while Colby and Sam sat at the table with their laptops open. I made dinner for everyone in the van because I felt like it. I made a pie with the terrible oven we have and made chocolate truffles for desert. "Come and eat Elton, just pull over in a parking lot for a bit." I hear a mumbled response that was in a happy tone then we slowly come to a stop when I get all the guys to sit at the table. I serve them and they all stare at awe at the pie and I sit down with them, continuous thanks come from around the table and I then put a plate out with the truffles and I receive hugs and gratitude for the rest of the night. I see that Elton is tired, his eyes drifting off slowly whilst looking over his laptop and It's a bad idea making Sam drive so I got up from the seat I was in and went to the front and slipped into the drivers seat, starting the car and pulling out into the night.

Please forgive me for taking so long to post. I will be working really hard to post more for the next couple of days and as much as I can over the next couple of weeks but I'm going to be really busy so please be patient if I don't update. Thank you for your patience and your support for my story and thank you so much for 1.5K.

I really appreciate it!! 

Stay True <3

Adopted By Sam and ColbyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum