Chapter 14

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(There is a lot of times in this chapter because I did research so I hope it doesn't confuse you! <3)

I find myself with my jaw on the ground. "Hold up, Isn't New Zealand like twelve hours long?" I ask, thinking of all the rough hours on the plane. "twelve hours and forty five minutes." Elton says with a devious gin still plastered on his face. Im amazed that he is taking us. I am dumb founded when I look at the time and head up to my room, taking two stairs at a time to go up to my room. I stop at the top of the stairs and sprint back down again, excitement buzzing from my as I see Elton talking to Sam and Colby. "How long are we going for and are we going to have a washing machine?"

"We are going for two weeks and yes we will have a washing machine." I nod my head and head back up the stairs. I grab my suitcase from my closet and stuff in most of my belongings to find that I am a couple of items short and It is already 3:00pm. I zip through the house and go down to ask Elton what time we are leaving for New Zealand and get a reply for 1:00 pm but then realise we will arrive in New Zealand at 1:45am our time. I go up to my room and look at the time difference and see that it will be 9:45 pm In New Zealand the time we arrive, so we will be allowed to sleep straight away. The idea slightly comforts me and I get a list of things that Colby, Sam, Elton and Corey need as I head out to the mall. I head from store to store, grabbing things off the racks and shelves for the boys and I. I start to day dream about what we are going to do there and continue to grab a plan shirt, black jeans and a crop top saying "LOVE" on the front of it as well as a pair of leggings. The mall trip was short and as soon as I got home and gave the items out, my bed called to me and I comfortable slipped into bed after watching more Sam and Colby youtube videos till 3:00 am when my eyes delicately shut, having dreams about the adventure that was to come the next day.

I awaken to find a bright, excited smile buzzing from Uncle Elton (what we call him now) shaking me delicately so I will wake up. "Good morning, We have to leave in an hour." He said. I nodded my head and pushed him out of the room so that I could get ready. I dressed in the leggings I bought yesterday and my black "Send It" crop top with my new flannel around my waist. I put my hair up into a messy bun and headed downstairs after stuffing the rest of my stuff into my suit case. I pull the heavy bag down the stairs and meet Colby, Sam, Elton and Corey at the bottom. "Ready to go?" Elton asks and I nod my head smiling. While the boys take the suit cases in the car, I run back up to my room and make sure everything is off and take a quick selfie. I post it on Instagram with the caption: "traveling for 12 hours, wish me luck" and slip my phone into my pocket, running down stairs to get into the car when I hear a honk. We scan our bags through and I quickly grab Starbucks because I didn't eat yet before we zipped through our gate and settled into our seats. Elton surprised us with first class tickets and I gave him a warm hug, smiley so big because it was my first time in a plane  Elton sat in front of me, Corey on the other side of the isle to him. Colby sat next to me and Sam grabbed the seat behind me. I stayed awake most of the flight, reading and listening to music but swiftly fell asleep watching Escape The Night on my phone. The voice echoed over the intercom, telling us to get ready for landing. "Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to New Zealand!"

So this was my second time writing it and they both sucked. Im really sorry about that...

I will try and post another chapter today or tomorrow but no promises.

Thank you so much for almost 200 reads! Even on my old account, I didn't get that much!

If you have any ideas, please comment them because I would be more then happy to use them!!!!
Later Fam! <3

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