Chapter Six

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The Beach, Day O

It's my responsibility. It's my responsibility. It's my responsibility. It's my responsibility.

I repeated the phrase over and over. It was the only thing that kept my feet moving as Mother and I walked slowly towards the crowd, the priest, and Amire. I couldn't lift my eyes to face him. Instead, I let Mother guide me while I studied my black, leather sandals, or at least the occasional bit of toe that peaked out from under my elaborate dress.

It's my responsibility.

"Ayesh!" At the voice I glanced up to see Paltic beaming at me despite Jakai sitting impatiently at her side. I didn't want to invite him, but it was a necessary convention to include the husband if I were to include his wife. His property, as many people in our village would call her. I prayed Amire wouldn't treat me like a possession the way Jakai treated Paltic.

A few chairs to the left of Paltic and her husband sat the beaming Rilda and Mia, looking at me with pride.

"I bet you'll be next," Rilda whispered to her sister. "Then me!"

"Hopefully," Mia agreed, waving at me.

Even Turka offered me a nod of encouragement.

I couldn't manage much, but forced a small smile for my friends. Although Rilda and Mia were too engulfed in their glee to notice my discontent, Paltic and Turka made eye contact nervously.

"You can do it!" Paltic promised, squeezing my wrist once before Mother led me past her reach.

"It'll be okay," Mother whispered in my ear. "Just look at Amire. He's so handsome."

I hadn't looked up. I didn't want to. The idea of seeing Amire would make it all too real. I stared only at my feet.

But then I reached the small podium where the priest stood. I stared at the swirling grain of the wood. Maple wood, although I wasn't sure how I knew that.

"Good luck, baby." Mother pressed a gentle kiss to my temple before taking a seat in the front row of chairs. My gaze followed her to her seat beside Lalita. The sight of my sister sent a thrill through my veins. She really had come! Lita's freshly combed hair glinted in the sun almost as brightly as the star trapped in the small lantern suspended from the chain on her neck. Her pale blue eyes were trained on mine with an excited twinkle. Lita's book was clasped tightly in her hands, but for once it didn't seem to have a pull on her attention.

The priest began to speak, but I couldn't hear him over the nervous rush in my ears. I finally forced my eyes to settle on the polished black shoes worn by the man standing next to me, then higher, to his crisp pants. Dragging my gaze past his waist, I glanced at his hands. They seemed rough and worn, but free of any damage. I moved my eyes higher until at last I was looking at the face of my future husband, Amire Okrich.


I nearly fell over as the male voice yelled in my mind, far louder than any other I'd heard. But just as suddenly as it came, it was gone. The presence it held inside my brain dissipated entirely, making me aware that although it had been silent, it had never been truly gone until now. Its phantom presence had always been there.

Praying no one else saw my near stumble, I acted as natural as I could. Did utter fear appear natural? I certainly hoped so. I hadn't gotten a good look at Amire before the voice interrupted me, so I forced myself to truly study his face.

He might have been handsome. Maybe he was and I was just blinded by my frustration with the marriage. Regardless, I was surprised. I needed to remind myself that Amire wasn't more than twenty four, although he appeared much older. Before me was an ancient looking man, bent over in a black cloak. I blinked in shock.

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