Chapter Forty-Six

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Outside Aphrodisia, Day 138 A.F

"Ayesha, no!" Tybira latched her arms around my waist, hauling me back.

"Let go!" I twisted and flailed in her grasp, hitting her arms away. Didn't she see that I was running out of time? I had to get back on that ship!

Flames waved from the deck of Aphrodisia, black smoke blanketing it in a thick cloak. Even from the beach I could hear the hissing of fire and the crumbling, groaning wood. The heat seared my face. I had heartbeats before the inferno consumed the pier and I wouldn't be able to board, yet Tybira refused to release me. "There's still time!"

Cyprian was in there. Cyp, who had saved my life countless times. Cyp, who was the first to risk his own life. Cyp, whom I loved with all of my life, was in that blazing ship. And Tybira wouldn't let me rescue him.

"No!" She flung her full weight atop me, sending me toppling to the ground.

I screamed and thrashed, but Tybira remained firmly upon my lap. When it came to physical strength, she well out matched me. After my flailing arms gave up, I collapsed against her, panting and sobbing. I searched the flames.

Cyp was stronger than anyone I'd met. If anyone could find his way out, he could. Any moment his figure would emerge from the flames, barreling towards me. I'd leap into his arms and he'd twirl me around, pressing a kiss to my lips. Then I'd fulfill that promised I'd made him and prove how much I needed him.

Aphrodisia continued to deteriorate, hunks of artfully crafted wood falling away, crashing into the sea. Cyprian didn't appear. The pier cracked, sending sparks shooting into the sky. No Cyp.

He'd swim to the shore if he had to. He'd get to me. He promised he'd get back to me. He promised...

My throat clenched, a choked sob erupting from my lips. Blood rushed in my ears, my stomach rolled over, my headed pounded. Limp in Tybira's arms my body shook. I sucked in gulps of air, trying to breath through my tightened throat but could only splutter. Strangled. Choked in those deadly vines I'd seen Lady Lotus wield.

Cyprian had made me feel. He'd made me feel warm. He'd made me feel alive when all I'd felt was numbness. His absence made me feel. It made me drown in tears, gasping for breath as salty streams filled my lungs.

Aphrodisia mustered one last groan, the final wail of a wounded animal that knew he would die, but felt the need to lament the cruelty of the world, even with the last puff of air he would ever taste. With that final cry, the ship sank below the ocean's surface, taking Cyprian with it. Only driftwood and bits of charred tapestries remained.


Who Cares, Day 142 A.F

"It's your fault!" I flew at Gabriel. After days of senseless wandering, of letting Tybira lead me away from Cyprian's grave just as she had from Lalita's, something finally broke through that cloud of depression blindfolding me. Pure rage, targeted directly at the Archangel and his human friend. "If you'd just left us alone none of this would have happened! We should have left you both to rot in that ship."

Gabriel flared his wings, blocking my view of the ever-silent Lotan. I'd never seen his eyes so hard. "Empress, I am sorry about what happened. I'm sorry we lost the Hanged Man, believe me, I am. But I won't apologize for rescuing my friend. You'd have done the same."

Maybe I would have, but that didn't matter. Why should I trade the love of my life for Gabriel's friend? Why should I have put my quest for Paltic on hold? Why should I sacrifice for Gabriel's gain.

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