Chapter Thirty

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No Idea, Day No Idea A.F

Cold. Warm. Loud. Soft. Pain. Pleasure. Nothing was concrete. Nothing was certain. A haze clogged my mind, rendering thought as far from possible as using my now disembodied fingers. Mercifully, the throbbing pain had ebbed along with my awareness.


Whether it was day or night I could not distinguish. My eyelids felt like rock--unmovable. Even in my half delirious state I yearned for Cyprian. I burned for him to hold me, rub my back, for his rumbling voice to call me Flower, for his strong arms to haul me from my stupor.


"Drink something, Ayesha," whispered a tight, squeaking voice. Cool liquid trickled down my chin, drops passing my dry lips. My eyelids fluttered, but remained sealed. More water was forced down my throat until I spluttered and coughed.

"Ayesha!" Tybira exclaimed, dapping something cold on my forehead. Although I couldn't see her, I could hear the relief in her excited titter.

Finally, I managed to pry my eyes open to see her nose looming inches from mine. "Ty..." I groaned as pain flooded my head, swirling my already blurry vision. "Gods... Where's Cyp?" I needed to thank him for saving me, and to make sure he knew I wouldn't break down again. The sheer memory of my hysterics burned my cheeks with humiliation.

"I'll get him," Tybira promised, glancing over her shoulder. "Just rest. You need it. You didn't sleep once in that cell. At least not really. Just rest up."

Although I wanted to argue that none of the others had fared any better than I had, exhaustion won out. I needed to sleep, to recover my senses, make up for lost blood, and mourn the use of my hands. As my stone heavy eyelids slid shut, I could swear something tickled my cheek, sniffling in my ear.


"Still alive? Pity. If you ask me," grumbled a male's voice, filtering in through my scarce patches of consciousness, "leaving you to rot wouldn't have been the worst idea. Would have spared us a lot of trouble down the road. But even if that's a bit too harsh, I'm pretty sure the constant supervision is a bit unnecessary."

Groggily, I pried open my crusty eyes to see Enki scowling down at me. Clearly, he hadn't forgiven me, not that I could really blame him. My inner witch had proved to him that Lady Lotus still lived within me. I'd have to convince him otherwise, but not yet. I wasn't ready to face a world without fingers. Without my claws, how could I hope to defend myself? I didn't know, and wasn't ready to find out.   

"Where's Cyp?" I groaned, eyelashes fluttering as I attempted to sit up. Tybira had promised to fetch him, and yet, he'd never appeared beside me. I was all too aware of the disappointment gripping my heart. How was it he already had such a hold on me?

"Tending the fire," Enki answered gruffly. "I'll do us both a favor and get him to relieve me of Empress-watching duty."

I nodded silently, aware of Enki's retreating presence. I waited for what felt like ages, eager to feel Cyprian's fingers brush my cheek, even if I could never return the tender touch. But he didn't come, at least not before my swirling consciousness dissipated into nothing.


It wasn't a voice to wake me up the next time, but the gentle caress I'd yearned for. When awareness trickled to me like water droplets glistening on a leaf, I searched for Cyprian, expecting his broad form smiling over me. Instead, I looked only to an apathetic blue sky.

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