Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The Hallways of Aphrodisia, Day 104 A.F

For this bliss, I'd suffer whatever the Lovers had in store. Upon passing the first window, the sun pouring into the narrow corridor met my skin. As soon as the warmth tickled my arm, my breathing became easier. Suddenly, every ache in my neck caused by laying on the ship floor for days disappeared. I stood straighter, and my racing heart slowed. While fear still clawed at my stomach, the slashing nails dulled to a faint scraping.

My nails tingled. For once, I was relieved to see them darken and elongate. My claws had returned. The vine patterned glyphs along my arms swirled with adrenalin. Poison filled my claws, pulsating with a need for release. Strength coursed through my being, and Lady Lotus burst from her sun-deprived stupor.

I was the Empress. I was handpicked by two greek goddesses to battle in their name. I was a gladiator of Ta Ro. What could one mortal do against me? If Tybira had been able to vanquish Black-Teeth, I could surely handle Nose.

As we walked, Nose was joined by his two remaining brothers. With satisfaction, I noticed a purple bruise forming on each of Red's shoulders. Cyprian's hold hadn't been comfortable for him.

Soon, we past a heavy door, propped open with a bit of wood. Grunts and growls echoed from the large room and the pungent scent of animals filled my nose, cutting through the constant smell of sea salt. The menagerie. Freki and Romulus would be somewhere in there. I wondered if we'd find Gladiator again should we manage to escape.

The corridors quickly grew more lavash, abundant with plush rugs and vivid tapestries. My eyes were instantly drawn to one particular tapestry: a masterpiece depicting a man of godlike beauty. If life was breathed into the woven strings, I wouldn't be surprised if he was better looking than even Cyprian. He rode proudly amount a muscular white steed with blazing red eyes. The handsome man watched apathetically as people lay before his horse, their faces contorted in agony. His hand rested gently on the forehead of a young woman, gnarled black lines branching from the place he touched. A blue tear shimmered on her cheek.

I was captivated by the horror and beauty of the image, especially the white rose depicted on the horseman's crest.

Scraggly-Beard shoved me harshly, dragging me from the scene. "Keep moving, girly."

Though Lady Lotus bellowed in my mind, I resisted the urge to sink my claws into Scraggly-Beard's vulnerable flesh. The power pulsating in my veins was overwhelming. If I waited, perhaps I could use my restored strength on the Lovers. I couldn't afford to  waste energy on the trio of humans.

We reached a set of double doors, each illustrated with paintings of bloody hearts, roasting over fires, and a symbol of two overlapping triangles, bisected with arrows. Red and Nose each grabbed one of my shoulder's halting me abruptly.

Scraggly-Beard approached the doors, hesitating before knocking six times. "My glorious majesties? We've brought the Empress as requested."

"Send her in, Shehm." Myra's lilting voice filtered through the door, sending shivers racing down my spine.

Grinning, Scraggly-Beard pushed open the door, the ominous creak screaming down the corridor behind me. "As promised, my leiges."

Nose and Red shoved me forcefully into the room before hurriedly shutting the door. It wasn't the torture dungeon I'd been expecting, but rather a sleeping chamber. Myra and Melville were sprawled on top of a large bed, nestled beneath a plush pink quilt.

"Welcome, Ayesha." Myra grinned toothily.

Melville's hand slid out from under the blanket, patting the bed beside him. "Care to join us?"

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