Chapter Eighteen

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I don't know where, Day 80 A.F

My dream switched locations, my childhood blurring to make way for the scenery of some ancient battle ground. I knew I was dreaming, and that my memory of Lalita was also a dream, even if I hadn't realized that at the time. The reality of my current surreality was apparent. But where was I?

The ground around me was scorched free of any grass. Large burn marks peppered the earth and trees. But the trees thrummed with a strength far more acute than any I had felt before. I might have believed the small reactions I'd caused from a plant was monumental, but the power in these trees put mine to shame.

"Empress is my friend!" mumbled a boy's voice.

I whirled around, expecting to see Matthew. Matto was there, but he wasn't alone. Lady Lotus bore down on him. The red-haired witch stood tall, in all her horrific glory. Her thorn claws poised and vines swaying like vipers at her command. The crown of thorns that adored her fiery mane stirred with a vicious energy.

While others, myself included, would have shrank away from Lady Lotus, pleading for life, Matthew hardly seemed fazed. He tilted his head at the Witch's arsenal as if the show was only mildly amusing.

"Future flows," he tutted. "My friend will find me."

"I thought I was your friend?" Lady Lotus gave a haughty laugh. Her vines quivered as she threw back her crimson hair.

"Empress is my friend," Matthew agreed, cow brown eyes trailing past the witch and boring into mine. "Find me, friend!"

Lady Lotus raised her hand leisurely, decorated by more Icons. Among the several new symbols, I noticed a paw print. I didn't recognize the Icon, but I had a sinking suspicion that the Witch had completed her vow of eliminating Fauna, her life memorialized in that single image.

"And I am the Empress." Lady Lotus allowed an ivy vine to trail up her arm and caress her cheek. It writhed along her pale skin in harmony with her glowing glyphs. "Temperance is the only Card remaining after I deal with you."

"Crush you with the weight of your sins," Matthew said. "Empress always needs her friend's help!"

"The Temperance should be of no trouble. After all, to be crushed with sin one must hold guilt for them. I don't feel remorse for any of my kills."

"Find me, friend!" Matthew urged, staring directly at me.

I struggled to move, to summon my own arsenal of flora. Any power I'd once possessed over the plant life ran dry, rebelling against me when faced with Lady Lotus's dominating strength.

Unable to do any more for Matthew than I could for Lalita, I watched as Lady Lotus struck.

With just a flick of her wrist, her vines lunged towards Matthew's side with deadly precision. 

The Fool dodged without a moment's hesitation, as if he'd seen the attack coming. Maybe he had.

Lady Lotus sent another volley of thorns spiraling towards Matthew, who easily evaded them, moving so quickly I almost believed he'd transported.

The battle raged on in a blur, too quick for my eyes to register. The witch flung deadly plants at Matthew, who continued to escape her every attack. For a moment, I believed he had truly won the fight.

Matthew paused briefly, smirking at an oncoming vine he could no doubt elude. Then his face fell, eyes widening in horror. Too late Matthew realized his mistake. An instant later, the vine jerked in the other direction, snatching Matthew by the ankle and fastening him to the ground.

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