Chapter Twenty-Six

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The Bottom of Aphrodisia, Day 104 A.F

He was frozen. Ice cold. Somehow, the all warmth had been leached from his body, stolen from him.

"I'm fine, Flower," Cyprian promised.

"I don't believe you," I grumbled, holding onto Cyprian's icy fingers. "You're freezing. I'd be surprised if you don't die of hypothermia."

"I told you, I'm fine," he insisted. "Unless of course, you'd like to warm me up?"

"What do you mean?" I asked. "How can I do that?"

Cyp laughed. "I can think of a few ways." I didn't need to see his smirk to know how amusing he'd found my question.

I snorted, dropping his hands. "You're not that cold."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me to his side. "Calm down, Flower. I'm just joking. But I am pretty cold."

Huffing, I turned my head away. Something trickled down my neck. Frowning, I reached up towards Cyp's head. "Why is your hair wet? What did they do to you?"

"Nothing," he muttered.

"Not nothing," I countered, furrowing my brows. "You're soaking. Why was your head in water?"

"Did you try the cheese?" Cyp asked, a weak attempt at changing the subject.

"Tell me what happened." I broke a generous hunk off the block, as well as two more for Enki and Tybira. I pushed the first piece into Cyp's icy grasp. Split into four portions, there wasn't much food left. I turned the smooth morsel over, running my finger along the edges. It was hardly three mouthfuls, but a delicacy compared to what I'd been choking down until now. Wanting to savor the treat, I forced myself to take small bites. As a bit of cheese melted on my tongue, my eyes rolled upward in pure bliss. Soft and creamy, the tart flavor filled me. I couldn't remember anything tasting quite as exquisite.

"I'll take it that it tastes good?" Cyp chuckled. Good couldn't begin to describe this cheese.

"Sweet gods above," Cyprian moaned after taking his first bite. The deep, warm sound echoed sonorously in his chest.

We ate in silence, aside from the involuntary groans of pleasure produced by the both of us. When the cheese was finally gone, I practically whimpered in despair. My thoughts turned to the bits I'd set aside for Enki and Tybira. They needn't know there'd been cheese... Lady Lotus begged for more. Before I could allow my selfish whim to deprive my friends of food, Cyp spoke up.

"Just so you don't keep pestering me about it," he grumbled, voice heavy, "they were drowning me. The held my head under water until I blacked out, over and over. I'm honestly just surprised I'm still breathing."

"They what?" I blinked, biting my lip in concern. "Why would they..." My eyes widened in realization. "Because of your island..."

"You figured that out far faster than I did." He groaned, head thudding softly against the wall. "They know just how to get to you."

I hung my head, wondering how I wound up struggling to console both Cyp and Tybira. "I'm sorry that happened to you."

"Don't be." He heaved a shaky sigh. "I deserved it."

I furrowed my brow. "How could you deserve that?"

"Circe said she'd drown if I left," he muttered. "But I still left her, on the most important day of her life. And she drowned."

"That's not your fault," I protested. "The Flood hit almost all of Europe. Your being there couldn't have stopped it. And it was Matthew that called you away."

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