Chapter Thirty-Five

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Searching for the Birch Tree, Day 112 A.F

I raced along the dusty ground, mud clumping off my boots with every hammering footfall. I had to get to Matthew. I had to reach him in time. My breathing soon turned to pants, but I didn't slow, following that tug as if it was my life-line; it was Matthew's. That tug in my gut promised he was in reach. I'd find him soon. That criss-crossing birch would come into view any moment.

"Ayesha!" Enki snatched my arms, nearly knocking his wadded shirt from my grasp. He held on until I stopped running, fixing him with a glare. "Listen to me. It is a trap. The Fool can astral project. He can disappear at will. He can't be in trouble."

I shook my head, furious. "Matthew is my friend. I'm not just going to abandon him. I saved you. Don't make me regret it by trying to stop me." My claws prickled. I'd save Matthew. No one would stand in my way. A flash of Lady Lotus's passion and rage, entirely my own, jolted through me.

A tremor of terror crossed Enki's freckled face, that old fear he once regarded me with ghosting through his eyes. He let go of my arm, stepping back quickly.

Running again, my stomach twisted. Had I just undid all the progress I'd made with the Magician? Could we truly never be friends? I shoved the thought away. Finding Matthew was all that mattered. I could apologize to Enki later, after I knew the Fool was safe.

Arcana Calls rang in my mind, driving me on. With enough focus, I could ignore them, shoving them to the outskirts of my mind, but I invited them in, hoping they'd lead me to Matthew.

-Crazy like a fox!-

-I watch you like a hawk.-

-Where she stops, nobody knows.-

I didn't recognize the last Call, but perhaps the female, alto tone belonged to whoever was pursuing Matthew.

Pushing my legs, faster, faster, I thundered across the land. Enki trailed behind me, heavy breathing audible.

Freki jogged at his side, limping with every step. Until she tripped. With a yelp, the wolf careened to the ground. Enki kneeled beside her. "Looks like a sprain... If we make her keep running, she won't be able to walk back to camp." 

Abandoning the Magician so he could assist our canine companion, I ran on. Finally, there it was: the White Birch, papery bark peeling, branches overlapping in an X.

Matthew sat cross legged beneath the tree, not even looking at the slender female nearby. Why wasn't he astral projecting? Or even running? I recalled his immobility as Scraggly-Beard took us hostage. Oh, Matto... His inactivity was probably my least favorite of the Fool's little quirks. A new burst of speed sent me hurtling towards him.

There was no time to formulate a clever plan--the women was just a few strides from Matthew. I relied on instinct alone. It was becoming far easier to merge with Lady Lotus, allowing her to guide my actions, conduct my abilities. Out of breath, I reached Matthew, not allowing myself a moment of hesitation.

Clenching my teeth, I ran a nail along my palm. My claws effortlessly sliced through my skin, warm, sticky blood pooling in my hand. Without thinking I pressed my hand against the birch tree, leaving a crimson handprint on the wood. Just like that I merged with the tree, my blood bridging the gap quicker than any amount of focus.

Lady Lotus expertly wielded my powers, aware of magic I never knew I possessed. I stepped aside, letting her control me. If I didn't, Matthew would perish. He didn't have time for the slow meditation I employed in order to save Enki. He needed a quick, knowledgeable, powerful Empress like the witch slumbering inside me.

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