Chapter 9

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Antonio's POV

I just got to the cafeteria to grab a coffee as Stephano is busy with all the work that I gave him. That is when I heard a beautiful laugh that hit my ears. I turned and saw Stella sitting a few tables away besides the guy from earlier. They are friends now? What must have he told her that she is laughing that much. She looks so relaxed and eased around him. That started to make me so angry that I started to make my way to them. The guy's face went all pale and that made me smirk. Yea right, I am very intimidating and that only boost up my ego. "Stella I need you to come with me," I ordered, not even asking. She started arguing but I insisted and she finally followed me. I don't even know why I told her to come with me. What am I going to tell her? I might as well just tell her that I want to get all the details of the family room of the hotel today. Yea that is a valid reason, I will use this then.

After threatening her to get into the car, she went all silent and that was kind of making me feel something weird. She suddenly turned on the radio and her face lit up. After a few seconds, she started humming and finally started singing. Her voice was so melodious that I could stay there the whole day and just listen to her. She had her eyes closed and was singing with all the heart. It was like she felt all the words she was singing. How can she be so beautiful. I have been staring at her till she stopped singing. As she looked at me and noticed that the car stopped. I don't know what came over me as I told her to never sing in front of me ever again. Then I got out of the car and got into the restaurant. I just don't like the way I feel when she is singing. I feel vulnerable and other weird feelings in me that I never felt before. What is happening to me? Now I am feeling a bit bad for leaving her outside. I was going to go back outside and get her but then I saw her coming. She had a frown on her face but she was looking so cute. I must stop thinking of her like that. "What took you so long?" I asked with a scowl on my face. She looked at me with a shocked look. More like disgusted.

Arabella's POV

He is being such a douche bag right now when I haven't even done anything to him. I just need to keep my calm. I breathed in and out and just followed him as a lady took us to a table. This place looks really beautiful though. I wonder how expensive its dishes actually are. "Sir I am sending a waiter for you right away," the lady said not even acknowledging me. What the hell am I that invisible. I took a seat across Mr Giovanni. I don't know why but despite his arrogant and douche bag behaviour, I don't seemed to be wanting to go away. There is something about him that pulls me to him. I have always believed that there is a good side to everyone. Besides, he was a completely different person when I met him in at the bar. He was amazing and seemed so caring. That was the case when Leon was proposing to Drea. I mean maybe he suffers from split personality who knows.

I was still confused on why I came here with him so I asked him again. He sighed and looked at me. "I want to know the progress of the family room and the choice that you have made for the furniture," he said as he looked through the menu card. He ordered a meal and asked me what I wanted to have. "Sir I'm fine, I just had a sandwich at work," I said and he frowned. Then he told the waiter to make his order for two. Well I guess it's useless to argue with him so I just let it go. I started to tell him about the family room and the materiel that I think the curtains should be made of and all those other things. He was there just looking at me and nodding at times showing that he was actually listening. He seems a little bit more relaxed than before so that's a good sign. When the food came, I asked him for some suggestions and his thoughts on what he wants for the rooms. He started telling me what he wants so I took my notebook out of my bag and started noting down what he was saying. When he was telling me what he wants for the room, I could see that sparkle in his eye. The sparkle you have when you are so passionate about something and doing with your whole heart. I could see that this project meant a lot to him and I will not be letting him down. I could feel that he had high hopes for this one and that is just boosting my motivation. He was eating and then describing. I was there and kept on writing. When he was done I started making some sketches and I was so focused in it that I didn't even hear him calling my name. He has already finished his meal and was looking at me. "Sorry what were saying sir?" I asked and he pointed to my plate. "You have not touched your plate Stella," he said trying to sound angry. "I was just noting down what you were saying. I'm so sorry sir," I said and I could see a small smile playing on his lips. I could have missed it if I didn't look properly. "It's fine we can get all that packed for you. Make sure to eat it when you get to the office okay," he said and I simply nodded.

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