Chapter 1

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Truth be told, I don't fear death.

Never have.

I imagine it's quite like falling asleep, just without the waking up part. Not scary at all. If death doesn't scare me, then what does?


Which just so happened to be where I was.

I shoved my way through the crowd, elbows ramming into my sides and shoulders as I walked. Luckily, I was able to narrowly avoid being nailed in the face. One of the perks of being relatively tall- I was no longer at elbow level.

Everyone was grinding on each other, laughing and singing along to some upbeat rap song that I didn't know. It was hot and the stench of sweat reeked off of each and every person. I was irritated, which wasn't exactly a foreign emotion for me. This happened whenever I went to a party, I always ended up becoming annoyed with everyone around me. I hadn't even attended very many parties, just enough to know that this is most definitely not my scene.

So why was I here then?

That honor goes to my friend, Makenna. She was a year older than me, and last year, helped convince me to join her sorority during my freshman year in college, later becoming my "big". "Big" was essentially short for "big sister", and long story short, it was some cheesy sorority crap I didn't really understand. She bought me stuff and dragged me along to parties, which was partly my fault as I always worried about her safety.

Anyways, that was who I searched for in this undulating mass of people. Being 5 ft 2, Makenna was easily lost in a crowd. But if I knew anything about her, I knew that she would make damn sure that she wasn't. Makenna thrived on being the center of attention. It's why she went to all of these parties- and why I quickly located her dancing on top of a table in the dining room.

Damn it, Makenna.

Okay, I knew she was supposed to be my big sister or whatever, but I was always the one taking care of her. At the last party we went to, she got absolutely trashed and I ended up holding her hair while she puked for 2 hours. Not to mention, I was always the designated driver. Not necessarily because I didn't drink, but I would typically drink one beer and call it good. Meanwhile, Makenna had to do keg stands and beat all the football players in their drinking games. The word 'moderation' was just simply nonexistent when it came to her vocabulary.

"Makenna!" I called over the thumping of the bass. Neon lights were flashing all around me, bodies grinding up against me and music pounding in my ear.

Makenna ran her hands through her dirty blonde locks and swiveled her hips to the music, earning a loud cheer from the crowd of frat boys watching her. She knew she didn't have to dance on top of a table like that to get attention, she got it anyway. Makenna was the definition of a college guy's fantasy. She was petite, tan from the summers she spent in California, with sun-bleached hair and turquoise blue eyes. Not to mention she was incredible with people. She could make anyone like her in all of 5 seconds. But like I said, Makenna loved attention, and she wanted everyone's attention.

"Makenna!" I called again, pushing myself past drooling frat boys to get to the front of the crowd. When I had reached the edge of the table, I stretched my arm up, grabbing her wrist to get her attention. She whipped her head around and smirked at me.

"Hey Jordan, having fun?" She laughed, obviously intoxicated. My eyes peered over the edge of the crowd, surfing over each of the mesmerized guys that were impatiently waiting for her to start dancing again. I looked back at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Not really, but I can tell that you are. Kenna, why don't you come down from there? You and I both know you're gonna regret this in the morning, and then you're gonna complain about how embarrassed you are to me for the next 48 hours," I huffed, tilting my head to the side. Makenna pressed her lips together in thought before breaking out into a drunken wide grin.

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