Chapter 18

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"Get up."

I let out an audible groan and rolled over in the warm bed, pulling the sheets over my head in hopes of drowning out whoever was trying to bother me.

"Get up, Greene, you're already 20 minutes late for training," I heard the voice say again, more irritation audible this time. "You have 10 minutes to be outside. If you're not, I will not hesitate to dump ice water over your pretty little head."

I heard footsteps exit the room, my mind whirring to life slowly as I began to regain consciousness.


I jumped upright, my eyes screaming in response to the bright light of morning streaming in through the window panes. Was I really 20 minutes late? Had I really slept through my alarm? I glanced over to my side, noting that it was, indeed, 7:20.

No wonder Grey was pissed at me.

Definitely not a great way to start off this whole 'trainer/trainee' relationship. He was probably going to brutally murder me today just as payback.

I flung the sheets off of me, cringing as the cool air brushed against my bare skin. I knelt down next to my duffel bag, the hardwood freezing underneath my bare feet. I grabbed a pair of leggings, a sports bra, and a lightweight long sleeve tee, quickly changing into them and hurrying into the bathroom.

I looked dead.

My pale skin looked even paler if it were possible, and as a result, the faint freckles adorning the bridge of my nose stood out like dirt on paper. Not to mention my eyes, which appeared an unusual shade of dark gold today. Since they were hazel, somedays they looked more like a dark green, which I much preferred, while somedays they looked this weird golden shade. It made me look creepy as hell, and even more like death than I normally do.

Fantastic. I can't imagine what Grey must've been thinking when he saw me this morning.

It doesn't matter what Grey thinks. You don't care what Grey thinks, I tried to tell myself. I don't know why, but the thought of Grey seeing me like this left a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. He was an Angel. He didn't get the whole 'waking up looking like shit' thing. He probably crawled out of bed looking like that every day. Which made me hate him even more.

I brushed my hair back into a ponytail, clenching my jaw in frustration at the few strands that refused to be coaxed into the ponytail. I washed my face and applied the slightest bit of bronzer to my cheekbones, in hopes it would make me appear less like a vampire, more like a human. It did no such thing, but it didn't matter. I was going to work out, and I could care about my appearance afterward. Grey had already seen the worst of it, so I'm sure this wouldn't do any more damage to my pride than my morning appearance had already done.

I brushed my teeth and hurriedly tied my tennis shoes before hurrying downstairs and out the front door, where I saw Grey impatiently waiting- his arms crossed sternly across his chest, his feet a shoulder-width apart, and a condescending gaze directed at me. Awesome.

"7:28. You're 28 minutes late for your first day of training. I'm not particularly fond of being kept waiting, you know," Grey narrowed his eyes slightly and I huffed, flicking my ponytail over my shoulder and holding his intense glare.

"I didn't do it intentionally if that's what you're getting at. I slept through my alarm," I replied coolly. I shivered slightly at the cool air brushing against the bare skin around my neck. Low hanging clouds were drifting across the ocean out in front of the peninsula, and the humidity hung in the air like Grey's obvious irritation with me. It was chilly, probably around 30 degrees. I wanted to start working out so I'd stop feeling so cold, but I didn't really want to find out what kind of exercise Grey had in store for me.

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