Chapter 15

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I bit down. Hard.

I tasted blood.

Immediately, Grey jumped back from me, his hand clasped in shock over his mouth. I smirked in content.

Kiss me against my will and I bite.

"You bit me," Grey growled lowly and I heard Riel snort from behind me. While Grey's eyes looked positively murderous, I'm sure Riel found all of this very amusing.

"You kissed me," I retorted, my eyes narrowing slightly at his icy blue ones, daring him to turn this on me. If he didn't want to get hurt, he shouldn't have kissed me. Plain and simple.

"I can't believe you just did that," he scowled and Riel chuckled, running a hand through his silvery hair, a few locks falling across his tanned forehead and in front of his fluorescent eyes.

"To be fair, Grey, you kind of asked for it. You don't kiss someone after they yell at you. That's just stupid," Riel commented from behind me and I smirked, knowing I was in the right and he was in the wrong. Grey rolled his eyes in irritation and wet down a washcloth in the sink, holding it against his bleeding lip.

"And on that note, I'd like to go home now," I folded my arms across my chest, tilting up my chin slightly in an act of defiance. Grey raised an eyebrow slightly at me and I scowled.

"What, so you can tell everyone what we are?" Grey scoffed and I looked to Riel. "And besides, you have to learn how to defend yourself now. Your eyes have been Awakened, you'll be able to see all angels and demons now."

"Awakened?" I turned back to look at Riel over my shoulder, who sighed, rolling his eyes at Grey for assuming I knew what that meant. I had decided I liked Riel a lot more than Grey. Riel stood up for me frequently and seemed to dislike Grey as much as I do. Plus, he was a lot nicer and didn't just assault my lips.

"When a human's eyes gaze upon the wings of an angel, they become what we refer to as Awakened, allowing them to tell the difference between humans and the supernatural, regardless of how normal they appear. If some random guy walked in here right now, you'd be able to tell if he were supernatural or a human," Riel explained and I scowled at Grey. He just had to go and save my life, didn't he?

"Why exactly is that dangerous? Why am I going to need to defend myself?" I glared coolly at Grey, who rolled his eyes at me and leaned back on the kitchen counter, averting his gaze outside the window that sat above the kitchen sink.

"Demons don't like Awakened humans. They pose a threat to them because any Awakened human can alert angels of their location, and they could get killed as a result. Awakened humans are kind of like security cameras that help angels track down demons," Riel explained and my scowl deepened. Grey put my life in danger just because he wanted to show off his pretty wings. I'm not going to lie, I'm not completely sure why he saved me in the first place. When he saved me from being assaulted the first time we'd met, he seemed like he'd regretted it, telling me over and over again that he didn't save me. This time, there would be no disputing that he did actually save me. If he regretted saving me the first time, then why would he save me again?

"So, I'll pay for karate lessons or something. Can I go now?" I turned my gaze back to Riel, a sympathetic smile wavering on his lips.

"Jordan, you could never defend yourself from a demon using human methods. Grey and I will have to train you. Primarily Grey, seeing as this is his fault after all," Riel eyed Grey, who let out a low growl of disapproval.

Like hell, I'd let Grey train me. It'd just be an excuse for him to beat me to a pulp.

"What, would you have had me let her die?" Grey snapped at Riel, who merely rolled his eyes, now examining his fingertips like they were the most interesting thing.

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