Chapter 32

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Grey helped me out of his car when we'd arrived at the massive gothic style building. Apparently the function was being held at the university president's office building. The front of the building was lit up with golden lights, casting shadows up the old stones and making it seem even more like a castle. I felt Grey's hand tighten around mine and I glanced to my side. His eyes glimmered and swirled with flame as they met mine and held my gaze. I only broke it when I heard chatter arise from nearby- more guests arriving. I tugged Grey's arm forward, heading towards the massive oak doors at the front of the building. Beside the door stood a man in a tuxedo, beady eyes narrowing in on everyone who dared approach.

"Names?" He demanded brusquely as we'd approached. His thinning hair had been gelled back, but did little to conceal the baldness peeking through.

"Jordan Greene. And her plus one," I spoke, peering over the side of the man's clipboard. He must've seen me, because he yanked the papers tight to his chest and squinted accusingly at me.

"Welcome to the gala, Miss Greene," he replied gruffly, eyeing Grey suspiciously. This guy took his job way too seriously for what I suspected he was being paid.

With that, Grey pushed open one of the massive doors and held it for me. A massive two-story entryway decorated with glass chandeliers and illuminated with golden candlelight met us at the doors. There was a fireplace roaring on the opposite side of the room, being fed more logs by another man in a tux. It sputtered as he shoved them inside, roared for a moment, then continued to light the room in a gilded orange glow.

Everyone inside wore elegant gowns or suits. Women had their hair curled to perfection, pulled up into intricate buns atop their heads. I wondered how much that would've hurt me to do, given my thick hair.

A small orchestra sat in the corner playing classical music to which some of the attendees were dancing to in the center of the room beneath the chandeliers. Professor Turner was one of them, being spun by some greying man round and round in her floral gown. She had a wide grin across her face, annoyingly cheerful as ever. Waiters and waitresses mingled about the room with trays of golden champagne and little appetizers. I'd never attended anything like this before. I'd never even attended my high school prom. Back then, I'd seen it as rebellion, but now I saw it as a missed experience. Though it seemed as if I were getting a second chance tonight.

"Would you like a glass of champagne, my lady?" Grey bowed his head a little, the teasing smirk on his lips making me snicker.

"I'm not old enough to drink, Grey," I chuckled and Grey rolled his eyes, as if that were a negligible fact.

"I am. And if I ask for two, they will give me two. I'll be right back," he gave me a wink and headed off into the crowd. That had seemed like a good idea until I'd realized he'd left me atop the staircase, looking down on everyone like a lost idiot. I could feel wandering eyes falling on me, wondering what the hell I was doing up here.

So, with an upward tilt of my chin, I flicked my hair over my shoulder and headed down the staircase with the crescendo of the music. I was the only one in red. I wondered if Grey had known that. With each step I took, I felt more eyes fall on me, but it didn't phase me like I thought it would. For the first time in my life, I realized I'd deserved this attention. Just as Grey had been unphased whenever everybody stared unabashedly at him, I was able to feel empowered by the attention rather than judged.

"Jordan?" I heard a soft voice once I'd reached the bottom of the stairs. To my left stood Allison with Jack on her arm. He frowned at me, as if he had some reason to be irritated with me. "Where have you been? You said you would be gone for a few weeks, but it's been months and no one's seen you. You look different."

"I-," I began, but the words struggled to form in my mouth. Any lie I could tell her, I knew it would feel like acid on my tongue.

"That would be my fault," a baritone voice purred from behind me. I spun and saw Grey approaching, two glasses of champagne in hand. He handed me one, then wrapped his arm around my waist and faced my roommate and her boyfriend.

Allison scowled, her glare fixed on me. "You could've told me, you know," she grumbled.

"You've had us worried. Allison and Makenna said you hadn't been attending your classes, and I haven't seen you in our seminar in weeks," Jack interjected coolly.

"I've been doing my studies online. But I had been attending organic chemistry and never saw Makenna, so I feel like that might be a lie on her behalf," I challenged in as polite of a tone as I could muster.

"The sorority is talking about kicking you out, you know. You've missed so many meetings, and since nobody's seen you in weeks-," Allison trailed off.

"Look, I'm sorry I haven't been more forthright, there's just been a lot going on in my life," I admitted, but the hard look in her eyes told me I would find no sympathy there.

"So does everyone else. The world doesn't revolve around you, Jordan. Or him," she motioned her chin towards Grey, who merely smirked as he sipped on his champagne. "I thought you hated him."

"Yeah, I thought you hated me," Grey cooed teasingly, his thumb pressing into my hip. My lips curled upwards a little and I shook my head.

"He was an ass to Makenna, remember? Or have you forgotten about that too?" Jack huffed in irritation.

"I'm an ass to everyone, James," Grey glanced to Jack dismissively, who straightened his back at the confrontation.

"It's Jack," he corrected.

"Jared," Grey scowled.

"Jack," he frowned.

"Jacques," Grey smirked devilishly, fully aware that he was pissing both of them off.

"Do I look French to you?" Jack hissed and I saw Allison squeeze his hand in warning.

"Tu ressembles à un idiot, c'est à quoi tu ressembles," Grey retorted and I snorted under my breath. You look like an idiot, is what you look like.

"I didn't come here to get into it with either of you. I'm sorry if my absence has hurt you, it wasn't my intention. But my life is mine, and what I choose to do with it is my business. So if you'd please, I'd like to enjoy the night with my date," I stated diplomatically.

"Fine. I'll tell the chapter President you're out," Allison sneered and I frowned at her.

"Leave it, Greene. Dance with me," I heard Grey breathe softly in my ear. I turned and looked up at him, his blazing eyes full of amusement.

"I definitely don't know how to ballroom dance," I snickered incredulously at the idea.

"Trust me?" He whispered, those mystifying eyes pleading with me to take a chance, to give him a chance. So I took one last glance at Allison, a solemn, unspoken goodbye, and allowed Grey to lead me towards the dance floor. 

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