Chapter 10

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A surprised look flashed across Grey's features as I placed my hand firmly in his. I had no idea what I was doing. I'd promised Makenna I'd get the notes for her, and yet here I was, ditching for the first time in my life. Dr. Turner rolled her eyes and resumed her lecture but failed to regain the attention of 200 distracted students. I mean, it was understandable though. Grey was so beautiful it was annoying.

A crooked smile widened across Grey's lips as he pulled me up out of my chair. "Let's go," he winked. I grabbed my backpack and followed him as he shoved people out of our way to get to the back door of the lecture hall.

What the hell was I doing. What the hell was I doing?!

This was it. I'd finally gone insane.

I had no logical reason for accepting his offer, which probably was a joke. I knew for a fact he never thought I'd actually follow him out of the classroom, but I had to figure out the truth. I had to figure out what was going on with him and Riel. I had to figure out what I had to do with this.

The only way to protect myself from them was to figure out what they know that I don't. The only way to do that was to get some time alone with Grey, as much as I hated the idea. I had to figure him out before he got whatever it is he wants from me.

The metal door to the lecture hall slammed shut behind us, leaving us alone in the misty morning air. The clouds were grey and dreary above us, threatening to rain at any second. Grey turned around to face me once the door had shut, eyeing me curiously.

"What are you up to?" He asked lowly, taking a step forward and narrowing his ice-blue eyes at me. God, his eyes were beautiful. Something about how light they were, how cold they appeared, framed by lashes as dark as the hair on his head- they just looked like something straight out of a romance novel. "You wouldn't have come with me unless you wanted something."

I took a step back from him and clenched my jaw, shrugging. "Turner was annoying me today. She's too happy. What else do you want from me? You were an excuse to leave."

Grey raised an eyebrow, taking another step forward and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, his fingers lingering a second longer than they should've. "You're an awful liar, you know that?" I gulped and kept my gaze locked on his, refusing to show him that he was right. "But I don't care. You're stuck with me for the rest of the day, mea bellator."

Exactly what I needed, a chance to get inside his head. But he couldn't know that, he would grow even more suspicious if I didn't protest. "You can't make me do that," I scoffed, folding my arms across my chest.

"Watch me, sweetheart," he winked, running his fingers through his silky hair. "You, like every other girl, will do whatever I tell you, because you want me," he smirked cockily, well aware that he was pissing me off. His eyes narrowed slightly, daring me to do something, daring me to challenge him.

I bet he didn't think I would actually do it. But I did. I flung my hand outwards, the back of his slapping against his cheek with a thwack.

It caught him off guard, but his head barely moved an inch on contact. In fact, my hand really stung after that. It was like slapping a brick wall. He flashed me a feline smirk and I moved to shove him away from me, but he caught my hands in his before I could. A shiver ran down my spine and I resisted the urge to react to him. How embarrassing was that? All he did was touch my hands and I lost all control of my body. I decided that I'd blame it on the balmy chill in the air, rather than the possibility of being attracted to Grey.

"Ah ah, Greene. I probably deserved that first one. But you better watch yourself around me. Never know-" he held my hands hostage as he leaned in close to my ear, his hot breath fanning my neck and making goosebumps erupt across the surface of my skin, "-when I'll snap."

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