Chapter 2

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The driver's side door swung open and Mr. Angel of Death Batman dude slid into the driver's seat. He looked the exact same as when I'd first saw him, not a single hair out of place.

Was this guy even human?

He turned to me, his eyes running over my body and landing on my eyes. His brows furrowed slightly in what I immediately recognized as concern. However, the concern faded away almost as quickly as it had arrived, only to be replaced with a cold, domineering expression and unforgiving glacial eyes. His gaze shifted from me to the street in front of him, even though we were still parked.

There was something off about this guy. Power and authority radiated off of him in waves, but not the kind of power and authority you felt safe with. I just got the weirdest vibes from him, and I couldn't place my finger on it. It's like his entire being screamed 'you want to obey me, or else'.

What bothered me even more was that after all the trauma I just went through, somehow the only thing on my mind was the weird vibes he was giving off.

"Are you just plain stupid or are you actually that naive?" Came his annoyed voice, nothing like the suave, baritone voice he'd used earlier. I didn't even know how to respond to that.

"Excuse me?" I managed to muster out in a voice stronger than I thought I could. It must've surprised him too because his gaze flicked to me briefly.

"Didn't anybody ever tell you never to walk alone at night on a college campus?" He rolled his eyes impatiently, his voice slow as if I couldn't understand. Jackass. I didn't need to take this crap. After everything I just went through, shouldn't I be going to a hospital? Seeing a therapist? Calling the police?

But no, I'm sitting in an abnormally nice car on a dim street being scolded by a handsome stranger. This was all so bizarre. I found myself struggling to believe I was actually awake right now. Perhaps someone had drugged me at the party, and I was still there, passed out on a beer-stained couch.

"You're kidding, right? You save my ass just to scold me about walking home alone? Why did you even save me in the first place? To feel better about yourself? Do you stroll around the streets at night, just waiting for someone to save? You've got a hero complex, is that it?" I snarled, my emotions flaring. Mr. Tall Dark and Angsty turned to face me, his eyes glaring furiously into mine as if expecting me to back down. I would do no such thing.

"I don't save people. I didn't save you. Get that out of your head, first of all," he clenched his jaw in annoyance, jamming the keys into the ignition and roaring the engine to life. I bet his neighbors hated him. This car was louder than the party I was just at.

"You stopped them from attacking me. Isn't that like the textbook definition of saving someone?" I raised an eyebrow, folding my arms tightly across my chest. His pale eyes narrowed at me, appearing dark beneath his under-arched brows. In one swift movement, he reached across me, causing me to flinch away.

"Relax, bellator, I'm just fastening your seatbelt. You're not gonna survive that whole ordeal only to die in a car crash ten minutes later," he chuckled lowly. I shot him a nasty glare, watching him as he maneuvered back into his seat.

"Aren't you going to fasten your own seatbelt?" I asked, the words flowing from my lips without realizing it. He smirked and pressed on the gas, flinging me back into the leather seat as he accelerated.

"Trust me, I don't need one," he mumbled under his breath, probably not intending for me to hear. I shouldn't have felt comfortable doing this- accepting a ride home from a stranger after being attacked. Why did I feel comfortable doing this? I scowled at him and tightened my arms around my body, turning to look out the window.

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