Chapter 33

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"Just because I trust you doesn't mean I suddenly know how to waltz," I huffed, tugging a little in reluctance against Grey's hand. He led me towards the center of the room, right beneath a massive gothic chandelier lit with golden candlelight. People around us were starting to stare once more, their eyes glued to the sinfully beautiful Fallen that stood in front of me. I felt my heart begin to race as their attention drifted to me, undoubtedly wondering what the hell I'd done to warrant his attention. I didn't entirely blame them, I mean, I was a weak little mortal and he wasn't. As if he'd heard my heart, I felt his arm slowly wrap around my waist and pull me flush against his chest.

"Trust me," he murmured once more, tightening the grip on my waist as he lifted me up a little and set the soles of my feet atop his.

"Doesn't that hurt your feet?" I winced a little at the thought, but Grey merely chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Love, I'm a centuries-old Fallen Angel. I can handle your stilettos," he smirked confidently and began to move his feet to the music, an arm still taught around my waist.

What annoyed me more than anything at this moment was how great of a dancer he was. He never missed a step, never hesitated, simply spun me around to the crescendos of the violins. The room spun around me in a beautiful gilded blur, his face the only thing in focus. The warm light made his normally unearthly bone structure appear more human, more tangible. It was like I was suddenly able to realize that yes, he was real. I couldn't stop myself when a slow smile began to tug at my lips. I was happy. Really and truly happy.

"There it is," Grey purred with a curl of his lips.

"Don't push it," I teased warningly, but Grey merely shook his head in bemusement and dipped me low, my back arching with his arm. I watched his eyes fall slowly to my lips, then rise again to my eyes, heated with cool blue flame. Almost too quickly, he pulled me back upright and began to sway me once more. His head bowed beside mine, the side of his chin pressed against my temple as his breath fanned my neck.

"Why are you with me, Greene?" He breathed out against my skin, goosebumps threatening to rise across the nape of my neck. I pulled back from him and scowled in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked incredulously. Grey let out a deep breath and averted his gaze from mine, pulling me back against his chest.

"You know I'm a Fallen. I've done absolutely terrible things in my existence. I've killed more people than I can count, and I don't think I can even remember half of them. I know I'm selfish for not letting you be with Riel, but I can't help but think you're no better off with me either, regardless of what I feel for you," he explained gently.

"I don't really care what you've done, Grey. I'm not going to judge you for your past and who you were then. All I care about is who you are right now, and right now, you make me happy. You believe in me. You don't try to coddle me or shield me from the horrors of our circumstance. I really appreciate that," I replied, my brow still creased in concern. I'd never heard Grey express any sort of lack of confidence about who he was and what he had to offer. Grey had always shown himself to be an arrogant man, so I was more than a little stunned by his confession.

"So you like me because I'm hard on you?" He snickered teasingly and I rolled my eyes. Of course that was what he got out of that.

"No, I just appreciate that you have let me keep my independence. Riel didn't do that, and it annoyed the crap out of me," I huffed. Grey was silent for a moment, as if thinking about what I'd just said.

"You're many things, Greene, but delicate isn't one of them. Beautiful, however..." he trailed off, gingerly pressing his lips against the base of my chin. "You mesmerize me."

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