Chapter 17

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I set my duffel bag on the floor next to the bed I had slept in last night. I hadn't remade it, but somehow, it was made, just like I had never slept in it. I wasn't ready to start living here. I wanted to be back in my dorm with Allison. I wanted to forget all of this had happened. I wanted my life to go back to normal. I wanted to forget Riel, and I especially wanted to forget Grey. I just wanted my life back, when all I had to worry about was my next Chemistry exam. Now I didn't even know when my next Chemistry exam was. It felt like I had lost control of everything in my life, and I was in a state of shock and disarray. It felt like none of this was real, like I was walking through a dream.

"Training starts tomorrow at 7 am sharp," I heard Grey's voice from behind me and resisted the urge to jump. How long had he been standing there?

"You deprived me of my normal life and now you're depriving me of my sleep too?" I laughed sardonically and turned around to face him, my arms crossed.

"We have a class at 10. Unless you'd rather miss it, we train at 7. We finish at 9:30. Then class at 10," Grey replied, his voice cool and final as if he were used to giving orders unopposed. He probably did give orders unopposed when he was still an Angel. Thinking back to the encounter in the forest, Grey had told Riel he was the highest when he fell. It probably meant Grey had more power than Riel, regardless of his state in God's eyes. He probably could still get away with giving orders to angels. But it did make me wonder- what was Grey?

"What kind of training are we doing exactly?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I normally worked out at the Rec Center for 2-3 hours, 6 days a week- so my body was used to high-intensity exercises. This probably was no different.

"Fighting. Defending yourself. You have strength, but you don't know how to use it," Grey replied, his silvery eyes boring into mine. I wasn't particularly fond of this Grey. He was cold and serious, and acted like he was irritated with me, like I was an inconvenience to him. I hated to admit it, but I much preferred the Grey that interjected little bits of annoying commentary and had a permanent smirk on his lips to this Grey. This Grey scared me a little bit.

"I don't know whether to be flattered or offended," I replied, hoping my quip would be enough to pull Grey out of his weird attitude.

It didn't.

"Meet me at 7 am tomorrow outside the front door. Riel will bring you dinner," Grey turned on his heel suddenly, sauntering out the door as silently as he had come. I swear, I couldn't begin to understand what was going on inside Grey's head. One minute he was being his normal jackass self, and the next he was being stoic and colder than I am, which is saying something, believe me.

I huffed and flopped back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

What had my life come to?

Would I still be able to graduate from college?

Could I still go to medical school?

Could I still become a doctor?

Could I ever be normal again?

My entire life, I'd had everything planned. I'd wanted to be a doctor since I was 11. I had planned on going to Yale Medical School since I was 15. I had planned on buying a flat in Seattle that overlooked Puget Sound since I was 12. I'd planned out my entire life, and now I didn't know if any of it would ever happen. I didn't know how to grieve over the dreams I might've lost. I didn't know how to grieve over who I could've been.

Now, here I was, being held hostage by two Angels.

What an ironic statement.

All of this happened because of Grey. I might've never found out about Angels if it weren't for him. I wouldn't be Awakened if it weren't for him. I would be safe if it weren't for him.

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