Chapter 41

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You know when you're underwater, and you can hear voices, but can't really differentiate between them or make out what they're saying?

Well, that's exactly what I felt like right now.

It was like I was in darkness, but I could hear voices from beyond it. It was like there was some sort of veil preventing me from seeing or hearing, at least clearly anyways, whoever was here with me. I strained to try to understand the voices, or at least see if I recognized them, but I couldn't. I could only tell that there were two. One was male, and the other was female.

"-what Michael said, and-"

One of the voices suddenly became clear for a split second, but faded back into mumbled incoherence. The higher voice responded, but I couldn't hear what she had said.

"-don't know how to train a-"

The lower voice became clear again, but faded a moment later. I was registering some of the words, at least, which was progress, but none of it made sense. There was no context, so the words I heard provided little information to me. The higher voice said something quietly, and then there was silence. The light filtering through my eyelids shifted slightly, and I knew then that there was someone standing close to me, close enough to cast a shadow over my eyes.

Personal space, buddy. Back off.

Can't whoever it is tell that I'm sleeping?


Was I sleeping? My eyes were closed and I couldn't open them. That's sleeping, right?

I didn't really feel like I was sleeping. My mind was normally super groggy when I was sleeping, but here I was, listening in on the environment around me and recognizing someone's vicinity to me. I didn't think I was sleeping.

But if I wasn't sleeping, then why couldn't I open my eyes or move my body? Maybe I was in a coma. How did I get in a coma?

Was this what sleep paralysis was like? Maybe that's what it was. Wait, but I couldn't open my eyes, so I couldn't hallucinate or anything. Probably not sleep paralysis.

"She's still out," I heard the voice above me grumble. Now I definitely recognized that voice. I knew my body recognized it too, because I felt a shiver race down my spine when I'd heard it. Who was it though?

There was a frustrated sigh from the corner of the room. Sorry dude, I'm paralyzed, let me be.

"Does it normally take this long?" The female voice asked. Now I was making out full sentences. Good for me.

"I don't know. This has never happened before," the male voice replied coldly.

"What do you mean? How long did it take me?" She asked.

"It was different for you. Your soul had to transition and then your body was created around it. Her body and soul are transitioning simultaneously. And you were created in Heaven, so," the male voice sounded irritated now.

"We don't know if Heaven had any part in this or not. And Michael said-" the female voice started, but was cut off.

"We don't know if what Michael said was true or not. She could have chosen Hell," the male voice snapped.

"Angels don't lie," she whispered back defiantly.

"But Angels don't always tell the whole truth," the male voice mumbled. "She looks like she'll wake any minute now. Why don't you go wait downstairs, and I'll bring her down when she's ready. Waking up and realizing what happened is going to be enough of a shock to her system without you here."

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