Chapter 12

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"Coffee? Or are you more of a tea person," I heard Grey's voice resound from the kitchen over the pitter-patter of the rain against his large windows. I sat on his sofa, curled into a ball, watching the rain wash over the forest and beach below. It was oddly calming, oddly natural, to be here with him, doing nothing but watch the rain.

"Both, but I'll take coffee if you have any," I turned around and rested my arms on the backside of the couch, watching him with curiosity. I didn't get it. I didn't understand why he was being cordial to me. It was probably to get whatever it is he wanted from me. Grey stood in the kitchen, another aspect of his house once again looking straight out of a magazine, with its dark granite and rich wood cabinets. Somehow Grey was able to combine minimalism and coziness, which seemed a bit like an oxymoron. Maybe he was studying interior design, or maybe he just watched a lot of HGTV.

"Do you take cream or sugar?" He poured coffee from his coffee pot into two grey ceramic coffee mugs. He probably bought them in that color just because of his name. He was arrogant enough to do that.

"Cream, please," I raised an eyebrow slightly, watching him as he sauntered over to his stainless-steel fridge. He opened the door and grabbed the cream, pouring a little into my cup before returning it to its shelf. It was almost comical to watch Grey make me coffee. Not only because this is the first time we had been able to be in the same room as each other without lunging at each other's throats, but also just because of how huge he was. He looked like he belonged on a football field, not a kitchen. But I wasn't complaining- I belonged in a kitchen as much as he did.

He turned around, one of his under arched brows raising as he realized I was watching him. Damn, why couldn't I have looked away?

Smugly, he sauntered over to the back of the couch and handed me my coffee. Suppressing an embarrassed blush, I took a quick sip of coffee, inhaling the earthy aroma as I did so. It was so comforting- the combination of rain and coffee. I don't know what it was, it just made me feel all cozy.

Grey sat down next to me, resting his arm along the back of the couch as he took a drink of his coffee. He inhaled a deep breath, his ice-blue eyes surveying the effects of the rainstorm. The pine trees swaying gently in the breeze. The grey waves crashing on the charcoal beach. The raindrops pattering against the windows and sliding down them.

"I thought you said you had plans for today," I broke the comfortable silence. Grey eyed me out of the corner of his eye, a small smirk tweaking up the corner of his lips.

"I do. This was one of those plans, mea bellator," he hummed, taking another drink of his coffee. I rolled my eyes. Of course, he would say that. Of course, he planned on abducting me and keeping me hostage in his house. This was Grey we were talking about.

"Why do you call me that? Mea whatever," I asked, turning back to face the windows. I watched as a seagull decided to surf the gusts of wind that blew upwards from the beach below, his wings wavering in the wind as he tried to use the updraft to his advantage.

"Mea bellator? Well, it's very fitting, for one," he shrugged.

"Okay, but what does it even mean? I don't fluently speak Latin like you apparently do," I raised an eyebrow at him and he turned to face me, his silvery eyes twinkling in amusement.

"You recognized that it's Latin?" He smirked and I nodded, smiling a little bit. He narrowed his eyes slightly again at me and turned back to face the storm. "Once again, I've underestimated you, Greene. How did you recognize it as Latin?"

"Harry Potter. Now don't laugh at me, but I memorized all of the spells when I was younger. They all turned out to be Latin words, but I didn't know it at the time. So now I'm pretty good at deciphering the meaning of things if they have Latin roots, but I don't understand what that nickname means. My- what? My idiot? My demon? My enemy?" I asked, earning a scoff from Grey, whose eyes remained glued outside.

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