Chapter 14

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My eyes flickered open as the first rays of dawn peered in through the window. I scowled, rubbing my eyes as they adjusted to the light.

"At last, sleeping beauty has decided to grace us with her presence," a voice sounded from the corner of my room and I jumped. I looked over to the fireplace, next to which sat a grey love seat. On which, unironically, sat Grey. Seriously, I'd bet money on the fact that he decorates everything in grey just because of his name.

"Go away, Grey," I groaned, rolling over and pulling a pillow against my face in an attempt to drone out both the sound and the light.

"My house, my rules, sweetheart," I heard his voice get closer, his footsteps creaking on the wooden floorboards. Suddenly, the pillow I held against my face was yanked from my grasp, revealing a smirking Grey standing overhead.

"Only humans can legally own property. You're not human, therefore, this isn't your house and I'm going back to bed," I retorted, scowling at him. A frown appeared on Grey's lips and I rolled my eyes, turning over and away from him.

The next second, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me up out of bed and flinging me over his shoulder. This was the second time Grey has done this in all of 24 hours. It's like the second I found out he wasn't human he decided he had to go and manhandle me like a ragdoll. That's probably what he thought humans were anyways. Dolls for him to play with whenever he felt like it.

"Grey, put me down, damn it! I'm not your plaything!" I pounded my fists against his back, but he didn't even flinch. I knew I wasn't weak; I had defended myself pretty well against those guys who had tried to assault me, but Grey didn't even flinch at my punches. It was like punching a brick wall.

"I don't have time to deal with your stubbornness. If you don't listen to me, then I'll make you," Grey replied in a rather as-a-matter-of-fact tone. I rolled my eyes in frustration and wiggled in his arms in a last effort to get him to release me, watching my bed disappear as he sauntered down the stairs.

"She's awake?" I heard Riel's voice from behind me as Grey sauntered down the stairs, carrying me like a child.

"More or less," Grey shrugged, his shoulder digging into my ribcage and prompting me to nail my elbow into his shoulder blade. Still nothing. Grey swung me back over his shoulder, setting me down in a barstool that sat next to his breakfast bar. The cool granite felt good underneath my arms, so I rested my head on my arms, my eyes struggling to stay open.

"Grey, you can't manhandle her when she doesn't listen. That's disrespectful," Riel frowned next to me, his brows furrowing in concern at me. He should be concerned. Concerned I'd go all psycho bitch on their asses and run to the police. The police would know what to do with these guys. They were crazy. They kept me hostage. Drugged me so I'd hallucinate and see wings. Does carrying me like a child count as assault?

"She's disrespectful, have you met her?" Grey snapped back, sliding a plate in front of me. The plate was a grey ceramic (shocker), and on it sat a short stack of pancakes, with bananas and strawberries on top. He didn't make this, did he? It was probably poisoned.

"She's also human, and 500 years younger than you. Give her a break. It's easy to be disrespectful to you when you treat her like that. It's not the 18th century anymore, women aren't made to follow your every order," Riel explained, his brows furrowing more as he watched me push the plate aside.

"I know that, dumbass. I was a part of those protests. I just don't like when anyone, regardless of who doesn't do what I tell them to," Grey snarled, shoving the plate back in front of me. "Eat, Greene, or I swear I'll-"

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