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---Steve's POV---

"Bucky why won't he reply I apologized!" I felt heartbroken knowing Tony probably wouldn't reply to me anytime soon. We were still hiding from the government and SHIELD. Why don't they just realize we were trying to stop them from making a stupid decision? Even Stark admitted we were right. Tony Stark. Also the guy I lied to about his parent's death. I made such a dumb decision. Why couldn't I have just told him? Was I trying to protect Bucky? Did I just know that I would end up hating myself for causing Tony's depression? I don't know what I was thinking.

"Just give him some time Steve! This is like the twentieth time you've asked me why he hasn't replied!" Bucky has been listening to me rant for the past month about Tony, and now he thinks I'm obsessed with him.

"I know... I just miss having him around. He always made me feel like I actually belong since they brought me out of the ice." It was true. Tony gave me a home. After the whole attack on New York, he constantly went out of his way to make sure that I was ok. And to that, I didn't tell him one of the most important things. 

"Oooooh Does Mr. Captain America have a crush?" Dumbass had been pestering me about this for weeks. 

"Shut up James. We're just friends." Bucky scowled. He hated it when I called him by his first name. Why? I still have no clue, even though it's literally been 100 years. 

"Don't call me by my first name, bitch," he said with a smirk.

Sam entered the room with a smile across his face, which was rare, considering how he's constantly complaining about our situation. We were living in tiny huts in Wakanda and taking care of some goats. But at least we weren't stuck in some maximum security prison, thanks to T'challa and my ability to break the law. "Who's the bitch?"

"Steve." I rolled my eyes at Bucky's remark.

"Nice. Anyway, guess what!" 

"We're finally getting rid of you?"

"Shut up Buck-nasty. SHIELD's finally clearing our names."


"Took them long enough." I scoffed. I was beginning to get sick of this tiny hut. Not that I didn't appreciate it, but the goats enjoy screaming at night, while I'm trying hard to sleep.

"So when can we go back to New York?" Bucky asked.

"In three days."

"BUT THAT'S NOT ENOUGH TIME FOR ME TO FIGURE OUT AN APOLOGY FOR TONY!" I immediately froze. Sam and Bucky shot me a look. If anything was going to make them think I was in love with Tony, it was that. 

"I-I mean that's not enough time for me to pack..." Smooth Steve, real smooth. 

"Sure Steve, we totally believe you don't have a crush on Tony."

"THAT'S WHAT I SAID! IT'S SO OBVIOUS!" Bucky screeched, almost making me lose my hearing.


"Awww you're so cute when you're flustered!" Bucky said with a smirk. "Wow, now you're turning scarlet!" I buried my face into the bed like I was some kind of teenage girl being confronted about her crush. 

Who do they think they are, assuming I have a crush on Tony Stark of all people? He's just a close friend! 

I could feel Sam putting a hand on my back. "I'm sure you'll figure out a proper apology by then. Now go to bed. It's like 11 P.M." 

"Bye Steeb," Bucky added as he left.

"Bye loser," I said, not looking up. It's gonna be a rough couple of days, that's for sure.

Ok so I'm reading this over and I realize that it's CRAP. It's gonna get better (I promise. It's like one of those movies that are really crappy but end up being good.)

Tony, I'm sorryWhere stories live. Discover now