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---Tony's POV---

Our party was going well. Everyone arrived on time and safely, the food was good, no one seemed to be bored and Peter was having the time of his life watching Sam and Bucky's party tricks. By now, almost everyone had left and it was just the team.

Meanwhile, Steve, Thor and I were having a conversation about Mjolnir which made absolutely no sense to me.

"But if you were to put the hammer in an elevator..." Steve began.

"The elevator would still go up!" I said before Thor let out a chuckle.

"Elevator's not worthy-" I began before there was a loud crash.

I guess someone put the hammer in the elevator...

---Peter's POV---


I'm so excited! A party with the Avengers? It couldn't get any better, minus the part where I had to dress nicely so I don't "embarrass Mr. Stark." Good thing I had Mr. Clint- or he wants me to just call him Clint -Mr. Stark said to call him birdbrain, "Or better yet, Chickenman!" to help me pick something nice out.

"Alright kid, you're lucky Natasha's made me pick out nice clothes for missions about a thousand times so step back, I'm a professional."

About half an hour later Clint had chosen something perfect for me, comfortable but nice. He had chosen a basic white T-shirt with a blue blazer, along with a really nice watch to complement it. (scroll to the top to see it!)

"Are you sure this is ok? What if I ruin the watch?"



---Tony's POV---

[Present time]

Steve, Thor and I turned around to see- Peter?!? Stumbling around, holding a cane and wearing a party hat that he got from god-knows where before tripping over a chair while singing- or screeching left hand free by alt-J

Steve and I rushed over to him- thank goodness it was only the team around to see him like this or he probably would have died from humiliation; well he still probably will but that's beside the point.

Steve helped him up and had to sit him down on the couch so he wouldn't fall over.

"Hey Pete, what happened?"

"Mr. Starrrk? whatt'reee you doing here?"

I could smell the alcohol coming from his breath.

"Pete, have you been drinking alcohol?"

Peter gasped before replying with-

"I would NEVER! I've only beeeen drinking the sparkling cideeeer!"

"Hey Bruce, could you check the bar to see if any cider has been opened?"

Bruce made his way the bar, only to inform us that none of the cider had been opened, but a bottle of champagne that had similar packaging had been opened.

That explains a lot.

Tony, I'm sorryWhere stories live. Discover now