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---Steve's POV---

Okay, today's the day you talk to Stark and apologize to him and get on good terms. Don't screw up Rogers. You only have one chance.

The sun still hadn't risen yet, but here we were. I looked at myself in the mirror. Even though I only got about four hours of sleep last night, I still looked somewhat presentable.

"Steve are you ready? I will drag you out of there." Bucky yelled for me for about the 20th time This man had absolutely no patience. Eagar to see Natasha, probably. He denied he had a crush on her, but we all knew the truth.

"I'll be down in a minute!" SHEILD was nice enough to provide us with a quinjet in order to get back to New York without getting noticed by the public. It would be an absolute shit-show if someone with a camera happened to see us. We'd probably get thrown into prison, again.

Taking one more look at myself in the mirror, I made my way down to where Bucky and Clint ate their breakfast.

"What were you doing up there for so long?" Bucky asked me, somewhat annoyed.

"Probably making sure he looks hot for Tony, which by the way, adding a leather jacket would totally complete the look," Clint commented, not bothering to look up from his bowl of cereal.

"Thanks for the advice? But no, I'm not doing this for Tony. I, unlike some of us, care about how I look and the impressions I make." I grabbed a croissant from the table and started to head to the quinjet, where Sam was sitting inside, waiting for everyone.

"Funny how Bucky was the one complaining about taking so long when he still hasn't left the house."

"Well, I mean what did you expect from Buck-nasty?" I snorted at the new nickname Sam had for Bucky. Bucky himself, however, hated it.

After a good twenty minutes, everyone was settled in and was ready to go. This was going to be a long eight hours.

"Steve, wake up! We're here!" Sam said as he nudged me. While thinking of every way my encounter with Tony could go, I ended up dozing off. We had landed in SHEILD's headquarters to make sure we had all the proper paperwork, and from there we would be dropped off at the Avenger's Tower.

"Classic New York, just the way I remember it." Bucky was happy to be back, to say the least. "Not that I expected it to change that much." Bucky turned back around to face me and immediately his facial expressions tensed. "Steve, why do you look so pale? -Wait, is this because of the apology with Stark?"

"N-no?" For about a minute, I thought that I would be absolutely fine. That was before we got back to New York.

"Steve, you'll be fine, trust me!" Clint sighed, slapping my back in an attempt to reassure me, which somehow made things worse.

"Exactly! If he was mad at you, why the hell would he let us back at the tower?" Sam questioned.

"I'm just worried! What if it affects our performance during missions?"

"It won't Steve! Stop being such a drama queen!"

"I am not a drama queen and let's go before they change their minds and make us leave again," I said with a sigh, making my way out of the quinjet.

After about three hours of getting yelled at by Fury, we finally gathered all of our paperwork and were allowed to leave. Once we finally reached the tower, my heart immediately skipped a beat.

"It's so much bigger than what I remember!" Bucky said in awe, staring up at the tower.

"Stark's been doing some renovations, I see." Sam added, also clearly in awe.

We entered the tower and got to the 35th floor which we were told was the 'main hangout' place now, only to be greeted by Bruce, Vision, Natasha, Thor, Tony and a kid I didn't recognize. We all took turns hugging each other and catching up with each other, but I noticed Bucky took his time hugging Natasha. I wonder why.

"Welcome back guys! I'm assuming you guys don't know who this is," Nat said, pointing to the kid, who stood awkwardly beside her. "This is Peter Parker, he's Spider-Man"

"Oh um hi, i-it's an honor to meet you, sir, big fan," Peter said.

"The pleasure's mine Peter. And please, just call me Steve." Peter's eyes went wider with each word I said.

"O-okay, Steve."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tony coming out of the elevator. As I turned to face him, I noticed he was wearing a tank top and jeans, and had a couple of smudges on his face, so he must have come out of his lab. He approached me with a sad smile on his face which made me feel a pang of guilt, knowing that he would have been fine if it wasn't for me.

"Hey, Steve. I missed you." Tony said softly, which took me back because why would he miss me? I ruined his life!

"Tony Stark? Miss me?" I said with an awkward chuckle. "But seriously, I missed you too Tony." For a moment we were both silent, staring into each other's eyes, unaware of what to do next. It had been too long.

"Well, um, I have some work to do in my lab, but I'll be back in time for movie night tonight. Uh, bye Steve." Tony waived to me and hurried back to the elevator before I could even reply.

"Bye Tony." The words came out of my mouth, barely a whisper. I had so much to say to him, so much to apologize for.

"See, that wasn't so hard was it STEEB," Bucky said coming up behind me.

Bucky grabbed my shoulders  and gave me a stern look."Steve, listen to me. I know how you and Tony were. A bond like that doesn't just go away. Granted, it's going to take some time, but it's going to be fine. Now go get some sleep. We've been up since 2 AM, and we still have a long night ahead of us." Not knowing how to protest, I decided to just listen and headed to my room.

"FRIDAY, uh, where is my room located?"

"Your living space is on the 56th floor Captain Rogers. You'll find that all your belongings have been unpacked and put into place."

"Thank you FRIDAY."

God Tony, why did you have to give all of us our own floors? After everything we've done to you?

Tony, I'm sorryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن