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---Tony's POV---

Lately, Steve has been having trouble sleeping. Why? I have absolutely no idea. Any time I attempt to confront him about it, he manages to change the subject. But today's the day I find out what's up with him.

I make my way to the kitchen after finding that my husband wasn't next to me, to find him at the stove flipping pancakes. And damn, did his ass look good. I tried hard not to give in. But I had to slap it. I had to slap America's Ass.

"Tony!" Cap was clearly taken by surprise as if I had never slapped his ass before.


"Turn around!" Oh, so he did like it...

Or so I thought. Turns out Sam and Bucky were in the doorway, with Sam smirking and Bucky's mouth gaping like a fish.

"You can close your mouth Barnes, I know what you're doing with Wilson over there." Now it was Steve and Sam's turn to gape. "And if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go and get ready." I said, making my way to the elevator, not giving a damn about Steve yelling at me.

—-Peter's POV—-
Ok, so maybe I like Ned. So what? He's sweet and funny, and smart as heck, don't even get me started on how well he can code, I mean breaking into Stark tech? That shit's wild dude, and ugh, how his eyes light up when we're talking about our missions... I sound like every girl in a One Direction fan fiction now, but can you really blame me? The only bad part is that I'm 99.9% sure that Ned's straight. Why do I have to be such a pan mess??? Just thinking about him makes me blush.

And right as I was rolling out of bed, Mr. Stark ran- or slid into my room, wearing plaid pj's and a toothbrush in his mouth, while I was literally SHIRTLESS and had on Hello Kitty pajama shorts that had a bedazzled "thicc" on the butt that Ned and I DIY'ed as a joke.

"Peter, are you ok? FRIDAY told me your heart rate was increasing and I thought you were having an anxiety attack!"

"W-what? I'm fine!" I could literally feel my face becoming scarlet.

"Why are you so red? And what in the world are you wearing?" Mr. Stark now held his toothbrush in his hand.

"It-it's nothing. I'm just feeling hot, that's all."

"Is that why your heart rate was increasing?"

"Yes," I replied, like a liar.

"I highly doubt that. FRIDAY, can you do a diagnostic on Mr. Parker here?"

"It seems as Mr. Parker's heart rate has gone up while looking at photo's of his friend, identified as Mr. Ned Leeds, sir." Fuck. Fuck you, FRIDAY. I looked up in embarrassment seeing Mr. Stark had a smirk on his face.

"Don't have a crush, was it? You can't get out of this one now, kiddo." I am fucked. And no, I'm not sorry for cursing.

"Fine, so maybe I do have a crush. And maybe I'm pansexual. And what?" The fake confidence was not doing it.

Mr. Stark put down his toothbrush, came up to me and hugged me, which caught me off guard. It was still nice though. "Pete, I'm glad you came out to me, even though I already knew, but are you gonna ask him out? Or are you going to just be a chicken?" Now would be a good time to just give up my act. I flopped back down onto my bed, sighing.

"No, because he's straight." Mr. Stark laughed like it was the funniest joke he'd ever heard. "Why are you laughing?"

"Kid, have you ever seen the way he looks at you? Have you even asked him if he was straight?"



"B-but, what if he is straight?"

"Kid, did I ever tell you how long I had a crush on Steve? For months I drove myself insane just thinking about him, wondering what like would be like if he was mine. I don't want that to happen to you. You know he's supportive of you, so he most likely won't take offense if you ask. Don't waste your life just wondering. It's not worth it." Mr. Stark had me speechless, but he was right. It wasn't logical to drive myself insane, and after all, he is my best friend. "Come on kid, let's get breakfast. Cap's making breakfast."

I have to tell him now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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