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---Tony's POV---

I cried myself to sleep that night. What was I thinking? Kissing Steve? Congrats Tony, you've messed up your relationship with yet another person.

I tried to get to my lab as soon as I possibly could to avoid any possible human contact. I had to work on a couple of projects anyway. I started to upgrade everyone's suits but I never got around to finishing it. Might as well start working on it.

"FRIDAY set the lab to lockdown mode and decline all entry requests."

"Are you sure sir?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Setting lab to lockdown mode."

---Steve's POV---

"FRIDAY, where is Tony?" I wanted to apologize to Tony for last night.

"Mr. Stark is not accepting any entry requests at the moment."

"Why not?"

"He appears to be working on an important project."

"Ok. Thanks, FRIDAY."

"You're welcome Captain Rogers."

What have I done?

---Tony's POV---

I just realized I don't have any food left. Great, now I have to go to the kitchen and avoid everyone. Especially Steve

I made my way down as slowly and as quietly as I possibly could. I got down to the kitchen and got my food, only to run into of course- Steve.

"Oh hi, Tony..."

"Steve," I said smugly before leaving.

I don't want to mess up everything with us. I'm already hurt enough. It's gonna affect the entire team. I can't mess this team up more than I already have. They're all I have. 

---Steve's POV---

I wanted to talk to Tony, so when I bumped into him I naturally tried to talk to him.

"Oh, hi Tony." 


"Ton-" I got out before he got up and left. 

I doubt I'll be able to talk to him now. He probably hates me. God Steve, why'd you have to mess everything up? 

Tony, I'm sorryWhere stories live. Discover now