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'Did mom give you the marriage talk?' Alizeh asked, flipping the pages of the magazine. A chuckle escaped her mouth despite her efforts to contain it.

'Yeah! It was humiliating but much needed. I wouldn't know first thing-' Armineh paused beyond embarrassed when she realized what she was about to say, her cheeks warmed as she tried to cover them with her hands but the makeup artist jerked them away with an 'Uh-Uh.' laughing along with her sister at her expanse.

'Don't worry, it was the first and the last time. You'll have a first-hand experience next time and please, don't hesitate to ask me- Uh- you know if you want to  ask something?'

'Lee!' Armineh squeaked, incredulous at her sister's boldness. What had Imad done to her?

'- And Armie please, stop slouching!' Alizeh hissed at her, ignoring her sister's squeak as she shrugged while Armineh met her gaze head-on.

'I have been sitting here for hours, Alizeh. My neck's hurting, my back's cramped. What else do you suggest I do?' Alizeh knew she had angered her younger sister when Armineh glared at her, catching her eyes in the mirror and spewing fire. Angry Armineh was not a good sight.

'All done. Now, you can wear the jewelry.' The makeup artist said as soon as Alizeh had opened her mouth, pulling away from her face after applying the final touches and Armineh immediately tipped her head forehead. She hissed in pain as the muscles tightened, her hand flying to the nape of her neck, rubbing it.

'Why don't you lie down for a while? At least until Aunt comes with your Jewelry?' Alizeh suggested, fluffing the pillows.  Her eyes softened when Armineh stood to her full height, every bit resembling a rose in full bloom, dressed in red velvet lehenga with golden hand embroidery. Alizeh breathed deeply as she tried to clear her glossy eyes.

'Hey Lee, want to see Ahsan? He sent me a picture.' Armineh said, glancing at the WhatsApp notification on her lock screen, unable to meet her sister's eyes. She could only imagine him looking handsome as usual.

'The question should have been do I want to see Ahsan though I am not complaining. I am fine with both as long as I get to see that fine specimen.' Alizeh uttered shamelessly, chuckling as Armineh's jaw dropped while she made her sit on the bed.

'Just teasing.' Alizeh murmured, peeping at Armineh's phone screen when she covered Ahsan's picture with her palm.

Armineh had only taken a glimpse when the door banged open and her mother in law entered the room along with her mother, looking graceful in an ivory sari with two girls in tow who carried red Jewelry boxes.

'My bacha, you look magnificent. Masha Allah.' Ayesha uttered, her gaze shifting from Armineh to her mother who had chosen the exact moment to wipe a rogue tear from her cheek, her eyes filled with adoration.

Armineh turned Scarlett at her mother in law's praise, holding on to her arms and bowed her head as Ayesha barely reached her shoulders while Ahsan towered over her, he must have his father's genes. Armineh dismissed the line of her thoughts as Ayesha placed a chaste kiss on her daughter in law's forehead.

'Yes, you do.' Sabeeha confirmed, her trembling lips pulling into a wry smile when Armineh looked at her, tears glimmering in her own. Sabeeha hadn't noticed until now that she had brought up two very fine daughters, she only wished Zain would have been here to see her off. He would've been proud of them, both. Sabeeha hustled the girls forward, this was no time to cry but she couldn't deny the happy tears and the fact that she missed Zain, terribly.

'Come, Lee. Imad's looking for you, Sara's fussing.' Sabeeha gestured her elder daughter towards herself as a meaningful glance passed between them without skipping Armineh's notice. Armineh's eyes followed them until the door closed, she wanted her mother to be there with her.

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