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3 years ago

6th February'15

'Baba, Armineh is waiting for you in the study.' Anaaya told him when he descended the stairs, it was still early in the morning as she switched the channels, munching her breakfast on the sofa in the living room instead of dining room. Her habit Hajra detested the most, good thing she was still asleep.

'Armineh Zain Ahmed?' Her father asked and Anaaya bobbed her head, 'Yeah.'

Her father nodded as he leisurely walked down the corridor. He entered to find, it was indeed Zain's youngest daughter awaiting him.

'Assalamualaikum, Uncle.' Armineh said as she rose from the chair in respect when she heard the door creak open.

'Waalaikum Asalam, daughter.' He placed his hand on her bowed head, giving her his blessings and rounded the table to take his chair across Armineh,'What brings you here? Is everything okay at home?'

Armineh took a deep breath, she didn't know if anyone had done what she was about to do and she knew if the word got out, she'd be tagged bold and shameless among numerous other names, after all, It wasn't a common practice for a woman to give her own hand in marriage.

'Uncle, baba told me after Alizeh got married that you and Auntie Hajra wanted me to marry one of your sons.' Adam's eyebrows pinched together. It happened sometime, ago and he didn't know why she was remembering it, now because as far as he knew Armineh was married and it'd be most inappropriate to bring that topic up for discussion, again.

'Yes... I did express my desire for a union between my eldest son and you but that was before you got married.' Adam utterred, his gaze fixed on Zain's daughter. Dark circles rimmed her sad eyes, she looked weak and pale.

'Does the offer still stand?' Armineh asked and then, held her breath as Adam looked at her with shock written all over his face.

'Please, don't mind what I am saying but I am just curious. You are married, right? Why are you even asking?' Adam left the sentence hanging in the air and Armineh understood it as clear as the morning sun in the sky.

'Uncle, I am divorced, now and I wish to marry your son, if it isn't a problem.'

'I am sorry, what?' He hadn't expected to hear the news of her divorce, so soon or anytime in future for that matter. He knew from what Zain had told him and from what he had seen, they were good girls and he couldn't quite comprehend who in the right mind would want to divorce her and why.

'I was divorced six months ago, Uncle.' Armineh repeated, wincing as she registered the surprise on his face. She had thought, he'd know. It's all people could talk about at the office.

'But Armineh-'

'You probably would think I am mad but I am alright, Uncle if you'd take my word for it and if you're worried that it's too soon or I haven't thought it over. Don't be, I spent alot of time thinking about just this one thing.' Armineh utterred with conviction in her voice.'I'd like to know if your son would accept me.'

'May I ask your reason for doing this?'

'I can't say, uncle. I don't know if I am unsure or just really don't know why I am doing this.'

'Armineh, are you really sure, you want to do this? I must tell you it's a very foolish idea, betay. It takes years for some people to get over this kind of thing and we're talking six months, you shouldn't be taking it this, lightly.' Adam tried to convince her to rethink her decision.

'Don't worry, uncle. I won't back out as long as he accepts me and wants it to happen. I am ready even if it's tomorrow or in the next hour as long it's happening.' Armineh persuaded, he couldn't quite understand why she was insisting so much. Yahya needed stability in his life, not this. This was uncertain as it could get.

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