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Armineh had been pouring herself a cup of tea when she heard the mower and she put the kettle back on the stove, hurrying over to the kitchen window.

Yahya Firas was mowing the garden dressed in black trousers and white shirt that stuck to his drenched torso like a second skin. Adam and Hajra sat a few feet away from him on the garden sofa, having breakfast.

Adam threw his head back and laughed, his shoulders trembling as Yahya Firas said something to him and Hajra smacked the rolled newspaper on his shoulders.

A wistful smile found it's way on Armineh's lips. She had been there for a month and ended up making Yahya Firas uncomfortable. He wasn't himself when she had been there, sitting among his family and eating breakfast with them. He had barely said a word to them instead busied himself with watering his plants.

Armineh felt bad and she had never tried to intrude, again. It was personal to him and it was his family. It was his space and he was out of his room so why would Armineh want to rob that from him? She didn't so she compensated for her absence by spending most of her evenings with them because Yahya Firas didn't return until later and she didn't know where she stood in Yahya Firas's list of relationships. Clearly, no where it would seem with the history of his behaviors with her which was no existant, really.

Armineh pushed herself from the window when Yahya Firas turned around as Anaam waved at her, beckoning her to come out. She didn't look out the window, again.

'What's wrong with you?'Yahya Firas muttered, looking at his brother, weirdly as he went to sit on a vacant chair and picked up a croissant. His hair messed up and his shirt creased.

'Nothing, I thought I saw-' Anaam shook his head,'Never mind.'

'Here, take it.' Hajra uttered, holding out a croissant for Yahya Firas.

Yahya Firas bent down and opened his mouth, his chest rumbling with laughter as Hajra pushed the croissant inside his hanging mouth.

'Grow up, Bhai.'Anaam said, unamused, giving his older brother a stink eye and jumped to his feet when he saw Amaan running out of the main house in running shorts and a white sleeveless shirt that showed off his toned biceps, ready for their early morning run. It happened once in a long while when every one of them was at home instead of spread across the world for work.

'Shall we go, now?' Amaan muttered in all seriousness as he looked between his father and his twin brother.'Where's Anaaya and bhai?' He asked looking around them.

'He went to keep the mower in the shed and I bet, princess forgot to set her alarm, again.' Anaam muttered and Amaan grimaced as he took the phone out of his pockets and dialled his sister's number.

'Hello?'Anaaya uttered, groggily.

'Two minutes.' Amaan told her and cut the call, a smirk on his lips resembling Anaam's.

It was a threat and Anaaya was wide awake by the time he had ended the call. Two minutes is all she had or they'd leave her at home, Anaaya cursed under her breath as she threw the covers off her body and jumped to her feet. She stomped to the washroom, two minutes were never enough.

'Baba, you won't come?' Anaam asked, the worry lines on his forehead prominent as Yahya Firas materialized behind him and Hajra stood from her chair.

'No, I have to be at the office, early. Skype conference with Pecker Industries.' Yahya Firas scratched his eyebrows as he shifted on his feet, hearing Adam,'Petrocep deadline extension in exchange of peckar services, your brother has given his word.' Adam glanced at Yahya Firas, meaningfully and it dawned on Anaam why Yahya Firas had asked him to deal with the Peckar finances.

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