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Anaam sat cross-legged on the pristine floors of the Sultan Mosque, surrounded by family, close relatives and some of his very close friends as he chose to stare at the white walls while Behroze kept his glaring eyes fixed on Anaam. Treat her right or I'll break you.

It had been a simple affair and Hajra had to quench her thirst for having a bigger event because it's Anaam's first marriage unlike Alizeh but Anaam wouldn't do anything against Alizeh's wishes and Alizeh wished for simplicity, a lifetime of keeping the trust she had on Anaam and unlike Imad, Anaam vowed to do just that.

Hajra and Sabeeha held each other with teary eyes as the Qazi recited the nikkah.

"Do you Alizeh Zain Ahmed take Anaam Raza in marriage and in accordance with the instructions of Holy Quran and The Holy Prophet, Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him?"

Alizeh blushed prettily as she uttered, I accept, thrice, signing on the nikkah papers with tears shimmering in her eyes. Sabeeha was the first one to hug the life out of her daughter as she kissed her forehead, affectionately, followed closely by squealing Armineh who threw her arms around Alizeh's neck in a tight hug. I am so happy for you, lee. Hajra kept a hand on her bowed head, giving Alizeh her blessings as she picked Mahir, sitting beside the new bride and kissed his bald head, rocking the little baby in her arms. Alizeh sniffled hearing the words, Hajra hadn't said aloud rather conveyed with her honest actions.

This was acceptance without any judgement.

Anaam could barely contain the warm fuzzies in his lower abdomen as he saw the Qazi, come towards him, his mood soured when his fell on Behroze trailing behind him. It had been a welcome reprieve from him planning his demise when he went with the Qazi and he was back, again but Anaam couldn't dwell on the thought much longer.

The Qazi shook his head as he saw the groom grinning ear to ear, waiting rather impatiently for him to recite the nikkah and he prayed for their blessed union with the bottom of his heart. It wasn't every day that the groom was bursting with joy as he handed reins of his life to another person even the bride's happiness had been tangible.

Sarah shrieked with delight being chased by a boy of her age as she fell over in Anaam's lap, hiding from the little boy when the Qazi began to recite.

The Qazi paused but Sarah was not a hindrance, she wasn't a block in Anaam's path so he gestured him to continue without any reservations.

"Please, continue," Anaam said, embracing his daughter in his arms as she tilted her head against his chest while he beamed at her not missing Qazi's words. Sarah looked at her baba as she cradled his face in her delicate palms just as her mother would do, later.

"Do you Anaam Bilal Raza take Alizeh Zain Ahmed in marriage and in accordance with the instructions of Holy Quran and The Holy Prophet, Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him?"

"I do," Anaam said thrice without a pause. Qazi was sure if it was up to the groom, he would have recited his own nikkah and wouldn't have waited for him to finish it, thrice as he had pronounced Anaam and Alizeh, husband and wife.

"Oomph!" Anaam's insides trembled as his friends patted his back with as much force as they could muster while he held Sarah in his arms and kissed her cheek.

Behroze grimaced when Samar gave a light shove towards Anaam amid a bunch of people who already surrounded the groom and gestured Behroze to congratulate him.

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