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So, my girl Moizzarella 😉❤😆 gave me a heads up. Jbtw, there won't be any chapter 37, I merged it with 36. Don't forget to read 35!!


"Wake up! Wake up, baba." Anaam stirred awake as Sarah shook his shoulders, pulling at his grey sweat shirt.

"Shh, little peanut! Your mum's still sleeping." Anaam whispered when Alizeh stirred, blinking his groggy eyes as he turned away from his wife to lay on his back, he patted Sarah's head,"Go, wake up, little pea. I'll be right out."

Anaam swiveled to face Alizeh to gaze at her with a solemn expression on his face while she slept peacefully, her lips parted a little as she snored, softly and Anaam chuckled to himself. He rose to his elbow, gazing at her, lovingly and pressed a lingering kiss above her eyebrow before turning around to throw his muscular legs down the edge of the bed.

He had some things to take care of. The children hadn't left him, alone not that they did before he married Alizeh and Anaam wasn't complaining. He didn't think becoming a parent would be easy, it wasn't when Mahir or Sarah cried, threw tantrums and stuck to Alizeh's side without giving her room to even breath, sometimes. They were too dependent on her and Anaam had no idea how Alizeh had managed to take care of toddlers, alone with Imad gone along with her demanding job and he was all the more happy to share her responsibilities, bestowing a nickname upon her as a tribute to her efforts along the way. Anaam yawned, Sarah had made it a mission to wake him up first thing in the morning after she'd wake up and they'd together wake Mahir before Alizeh.

It didn't take too long for Alizeh to wake up once Anaam had deserted the bed for her- their children's company. She had awoken alone as it had been since after her wedding but the smile still bloomed on her face as she sat up, tying her hair into a bun at the nape of her neck and breathed a content sight. It was a relief she had no clinic since she had taken leave for a month.

Anaam glanced at the wall clock for the umpteenth time as per his routine, waiting for his wife to descend the stairs in her morning glory.

"Hey, super woman."Anaam greeted Alizeh as he beamed at her, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Assalamualaikum, Anaam." Alizeh uttered with a perfectly arched eyebrow and Anaam bowed with a small smile playing on his lips. Of course, with her there was no hi and bye, only salaam as should be.

"Assalamualaikum, super woman." Anaam corrected, himself and Alizeh shook her head, chuckling softly as she made her way to Sarah who has straightened in her seat and inclined her head for her mommy's morning kiss.

Alizeh had entered the kitchen to find Anaam rocking Mahir on his thigh. He wouldn't sit in the baby chair, extending his arms for Anaam to take him, again and again until Anaam had done just that as Sarah sat beside him on the stool but still plastered to his side, her elbow perched on his other thigh while she ate her banana. Nothing new there, it had been the usual sight for two weeks, now which was fast becoming a ritual. Imad would do that, too.

"What are you thinking?" Anaam inquired, noticing as Alizeh's smiled dimmed. It baffled her, sometimes how in tune Anaam was with her.

"Nothing, really." Alizeh said, tucking her past in one corner of her mind to focus on now which demanded her undivided attention.

"Are you sure?" Anaam asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, of course."Alizeh said, bending to place a kiss on Sarah's forehead.

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