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Let me know if you think it's rushed!

Maybe, think again if there's anything that's left unaddressed.


Three and half years later

Ardashir's eyes darted to his father,
the proud and the mighty Hamza Hassan Omer who was peering down at his granddaughter. It hadn't taken too long for him to accept her after the initial introductions and yet, he didn't acknowledge his own son.

Ardashir had to ask him, once if he was his son when he became jealous of his own blood, his daughter who had fast become an object of his father's affections.

Are you questioning your mother's morals?

To this day, he hadn't forgotten Hamza Hassan Omer's words. Even now, his daughter held onto his father's pinky finger while the engagement ceremony progressed before his eyes.

The devil whispered in his ear, he was after all his father's son. What if- what if he could tell Ahsan Bukhari that his father was responsible for the accident that happened five years, ago on the eve of his wedding with Armineh Zain Ahmed? Ardashir liked to think if he ever told Ahsan that, he would put his father behind the bars, he was a lawyer, himself but could he really betray his father like that when his mother remained loyal to him even though his father cheated on her with Sabeeha's memories? What would his mother think of him? And that's precisely what made him quit on his revenge against his father, there were far too many people at stake.

"What are you thinking?" Amal elbowed him in the gut, lightly, seeking her husband's attention, running a hand in her hair.

"Nothing," Ardashir muttered, keeping her away from his dark thoughts. A smile curled on his lips as his eyes flitted around to the bride and groom to be. Now, if he hadn't been looking at Ahsan Bukhari, Ardashir would have missed a single glance of unforgettable longing in Armineh's direction, she stood in the safety of her husband's arms but Ardashir didn't think they were even aware of what went around them. Having lived with them for nearly four years, now, he knew when they were together, only they held each other's full attention and nothing else.

Ardashir laughed as did Amal when Ahsan's friends boeed while his fiancee's friends cheered her. She wouldn't let him put the ring on her fingers, Anaaya wouldn't just hold her hand still, she kept moving it between them.

"Come on, put it on man!" Someone shouted at him, his ears brightened as he glanced at his wife to be with an evil glint in his eyes.

His friends huddled close to him.

"Do you want me to hold her?"Asraar wiggled his eyebrows, Zahid inched, closer. It was Saleh who slapped a hand on their heads before Ahsan could do it, himself.

"I am going to put this, Anaaya," Ahsan muttered showing her the ring he held between his fingers, taking a step forward and Anaya's heart fluttered in her chest.

Yahya Firas cast a cursory glance at his sister as the shouts grew before Armineh tugged his attention back to her, unknowingly as she straightened the creases in their little boy's kameez and pulled his little fist out of his mouth. Their four months old was a hungry little baby. His eyes looked for his daughter, he found her in Adam's arm as he planted kisses on her face which sent her into a fit of giggles beside Hamza Hassan Omer and Sofia Jr.

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