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Pandora Claire's life was the definition of an over-the-top action movie. Everything about it was chaotic and mad, a never-ending sea of mayhem. From day one Pandora was cursed to a fate of disarray; not that she minded—she rather enjoyed her crazy life.

For Pandora, she had no rules. Nothing was holding her down. She didn't need to worry about getting hurt, nor the fear of death. Technically speaking she was immortal to the laws of time as she wouldn't age past twenty-one, and to kill her would take an extreme amount of power—a power that most beings didn't even come close to carrying.

However, Pandora herself contained that sort of power. Pandora Claire was the daughter of the youngest archangel Gabriel, and a human woman who had gone by the name; Danielle Claire. Gabriel has been the most irresponsible out of the four archangels; managed to knock Danielle up. Danielle; sadly, died during childbirth never even getting to hold Pandora.

Though, Danielle's death was expected considering she was giving birth to an archangel's child. Archangels are considered to be Heaven's most terrifying weapon. Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, and Gabriel are the four archangels created in that exact order. They possess an immense power far surpassing that of demons, other angels, and all other supernatural creatures. They were the very first of God's creations making them older than the universe itself.

Gabriel is the most mischievous and deceptive of the four skipped out on Heaven after Lucifer was banished to Hell, receding to Earth leaving Heaven in the hands of his remaining brother's. God had disappeared before him by about a hundred years.

Unlike most believed Heaven was not; perfect. God and his angels were flawed beyond belief, and in some scenarios considered even worse than demons. This was why Gabriel left to Earth, taking up a life as a 'bachelor.' This didn't last long though, as after a few thousand years of being on Earth he conceived a Nephilim with a human woman by accident.

An average Nephilim is a human-angel hybrid made up of a human soul containing traces of angelic grace. That offspring inherits the soul from the human parent, while the grace is received by the angelic. Essentially the power level of a Nephilim depends entirely on how strong their angelic parent is. Generally, Nephilim grows to be more powerful than the angel which conceived them. This is why they are classified as so dangerous. It is because of this that the laws of Heaven outlaw Nephilim, the punishment being death for the celestial parent along with the child.

However, in Pandora's circumstance, she was conceived by an archangel, something so rare and unheard of that no one knew what would happen. All Gabriel could predict was that his daughter would grow power beyond that of anyone's comprehension. He knew if Heaven were to ever find out about Pandora that instead of attempting to kill her—which would most likely fail, they would try to harness her power.

That is why with every fiber of his being, Gabriel hid his daughter from any and all supernatural creatures. He only deemed one angel in specific; Balthazar his most trusted friend, the knowledge of his daughter's existence. Gabriel loved his Pandora more than anything in the entirety of his existence; he would have done anything for her.

When Pandora was but nine years of age, her father was brutally murdered by the one and only Lucifer. Pandora was not present when this occurred, but she could feel the link that connected their power snap. Pandora was then brought into the care of the only other person who knew of her existence; Balthazar.

It wasn't until Pandora was eleven years old sitting by herself in her room when her powers began truly acting up. The little girl soon found she was capable of much more than she first believed when she had accidentally sent herself to the eighteen-hundreds. Her powers grew much more than that, but time-travel remained her favorite—teleporting coming to a close second.

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