Meeting Crowley.

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T H I R T Y - E I G H T
What Time Is It?

March 2, 2018

Rain pattered against the hood of the sleek black car angrily, bullet-like sounds echoing about the dense space. The Mercedes Benz sped through the heavy rainfall at dangerous speeds, tires crying everytime a turn was made.

No normal person would risk speeding so quickly through this thicket of rain; however, normal people also had the risk of dying if an accident happened. Balthazar, Alexius, and I didn't need to worry about that, death was not a worry lurking around the corner anytime soon.

Steam leaked from my mouth falling across the passenger's window as fog. Once my breath on the window made a big enough space to draw a picture, I used my index finger to draw odd random doodles. Lips tugging up in a smile, I watched with amusement as the doodles came to life before my very eyes, dancing and swaying across the window, the fog moving with each shape.

My smile soon fell replaced with a small cringe at seeing the state my nails were. I really had to stop biting them, they were becoming nothing but nubs at this point.

Within the recess of my mind, a sharp sense of worry suddenly stabbed at my brain. Dropping my hand, I waved my fingers making the images freeze in there dancing.

"Alexius," I cooed gently, turning to the back seat with a reassuring smile. "I can hear the worry in your thoughts from here, take a breath, it'll all be good."

Alexius sat in the back fiddling his thumbs, eyes focused on nothing in particular. I stayed looking at him for a good few seconds until he finally took notice of me staring. "I'm sorry, what?" He pulled an earbud from his ear, myself turning back around to face the front with a small huff.

Balthazar laughed as he drove, looking through the rearview mirror at Alexius. "Don't worry, with what I hear about Crowley going soft these days, your father's sure to love you."

The crossroads demon; Crowley, also known as Alexius's biological father. For the past few months, I had been talking Alexius into finally meeting his father. Alexius was adamant on following his mother's wish of him never associating with Crowley, but I was able to convince him otherwise.

Now, after Balthazar pulled a few strings, he was able to get Crowley to agree to meet at some random Chinese restaurant all the way on 32 Street.

It had been just over two years since the whole Tom Riddle fiasco. I won't lie, it took time to heal from that, I didn't think being away from Tom could affect me so bad.

At first, it felt like someone physically ripped my heart out, and I mean that in the most literal way possible. I had to check a few times to make sure it was still inside my chest beating.

I've learned to block out the pain in recent months, now it just felt like a constant dull throb, annoying but bearable.

After the months it took to finally get back on my feet, I decided that I didn't care much if my existence stayed a secret. Let all of Heaven and Hell come for me, I dare them, they wouldn't get within fifteen feet of me before I blew them sky-high.

Despite being a Nephilim, I was still an eighteen-year-old going onto nineteen with a job at White Castle who spends the rest of my day huddled in my bed watching Netflix, you could say life was pretty boring.

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