The Darkness and Castelobruxo.

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The Darkness and Castelobruxo

"What do you mean the Darkness was released?" My voice cut through the silence of the kitchen alike to a knife

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"What do you mean the Darkness was released?" My voice cut through the silence of the kitchen alike to a knife.

"I mean," Balthazar looked to me, his eyes looking as if they carried the weight of the world in them. "Surprise, surprise. Sam and Dean Winchester struck again, they released the Darkness." I was in disbelief.

As it would turn out, Balthazar was in no immediate danger, but he did carry alarming news. The brother's Sam and Dean Winchester; yeah, you heard me right.

Sam and Dean fucking Winchester.

The two knuckle head brother's who managed to evade the apocalypse seven years ago, and shove Lucifer's ass back in the cage; that's right, they apparently just caused another potential end of the world. Well, more like end of the universe if we wanted to get real literal.

"Hold on, backtrack," Alexius held his hands up, looking between Balthazar and I. "What the hell is the Darkness?"

Standing from his chair Balthazar paced about the room, hands folded neatly behind his back. "In the beginning before God himself came into existence, there was the Darkness—essentially God's older sister. God after he was 'born' as you may say, he created worlds—he wanted to show his sister that they didn't need to be the only two beings in existence." Balthazar ran his hands through his hair, sighing.

I hopped in, knowing the story of our creation like the back of my hand. My father use to tell it to me many times. "But, everytime God created something, she would destroy it as she loved her brother and became jealous of his new creations. She destroyed everything he made, until he made the four archangels, Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, and Gabriel, each of which who were created in that exact order. The archangels themselves were powerful primordial beings and with the protection of God were unable to be harmed by the wrath of the Darkness." I paused, looking to Balthazar who then took over the story once more.

"With the help of his first four sons, God was able to defeat to Darkness in a harsh war and lock her away with the mark of Cain. The reason God chose not kill his sister was because they were the literal light and dark, yin and yang, one could not survive without the other—it would tip the scales in favor of the light too dramatically if he were to kill her. Reality would be essentially destroyed if only one were to exist. The archangels were the ones to battle her and so of course they knew of her existence. However, she is so ancient and mysterious that many demons and most other angels had no clue she existed," He paused, taking a breath. "Including me. I found out from Gabriel just before he died." He looked to my saddened expression, but I sucked it up taking the story over for Balthazar.

Looking Alexius in the eye, I began explaining. "However, the catch is that the Darkness was sealed away and the mark of Cain served as the lock and key. At the time, Lucifer was God's most trusted archangel, and so God gave the mark to Lucifer. The mark; however, began to exert its own will and revealed itself to be a curse. It corrupted Lucifer, leading to a chain of events that would see Lucifer refuse to bow down before God and be cast out of Heaven. Lucifer then transferred the Mark onto Cain who then, thousands of years later, passed it on to..." I trailed off, Balthazar jumping in to continue for me the part I did not yet know.

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