The Titanic to Pocahontas.

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T W E N T Y - S I X
The Titanic to Pocahontas

The busy streets of New York were full of buses and taxi cabs. Definitely not the ideal place to teach a sixteen year old girl how to drive.

"Why are you going fifty-six, the speed limit is forty-five!" Balthazar yelled at me, as his Mercedes Benz flew over the Brooklyn Bridge. "Stop veering toward the right lane!" He exclaimed reaching over as if to take the wheel.

"I'm doing fine." I complained as we passed a large semi-truck who honked as I cut him off making a right turn.

"Oh my Gosh!" Balthazar yelled at me, turning to look at the semi truck driver I had cut off. "Keep pulling stunts like that and you won't be driving for a while." He scolded, making me roll my eyes.

Just as I was a few feet away from a street light, it turned yellow. "Stop, STOP!" Balthazar yelled, knowing the light was about to turn red.

Ignoring him, I only sped up making it through the light just as it turned red. Balthazar looked to me mouth agape at my audacity. I kept my eyes firmly planted on the road, reaching over to the radio turning on my CD.

'Edge of Seventeen,' by Stevie Nicks began blasting, making Balthazar jump. Immediately he turned it down, glaring at me.

"No music, you need to focus." As he said that, I made a sharp left turn almost hitting a blue car who honked at me. Honking back, I flipped him off through my window, having fun with this road rage.

"Dear lord!" Balthazar yelped, watching me wide-eyed shaking his head. "I need a drink." He sighed in defeat, yelling when I suddenly switched lanes.

"Just like a white-winged sings a song, sounds like she's singing!" I turned up Stevie Nicks, smiling at Balthazar's exasperated look.

"EYES ON THE ROAD!" He screamed, making me look back to the road.

Multiple cars honked when I suddenly turned into the parking lot of the Museum of the City of New York. I was quick to pull into a parking spot, making Balthazar quickly undo his seat belt and hop out of the car.

He placed a hand to his chest, looking to me through crazed eyes. Pointing to me, then the museum accusingly, he narrowed his eyes.

"This is where you had to get to in such a hurry?" He spoke through a rough voice, as if just going through something traumatizing.

"Yeah," I lead Balthazar to the entrance. "I've been on summer vacation for a whole three weeks now, and I haven't heard a single thing from Alexius. Something's wrong." I stated casually.

"How do you know the boy just isn't on some wild adventure like always? Plus, how is a museum suppose to help you find him?" Balthazar scowled, when thunder suddenly boomed over head. "Oh great, now it's going to rain." He tossed his hands in the air.

Smirking I turned to my angelic uncle. "That dear uncle is where you are wrong. You know as well as I that during the summer's especially, Alexius and I are bound by hip. He hasn't visited once, something's wrong." I told him, just as we made our way to entrance, where a lady was sitting waiting for us to pay admission.

"You're letting us in free." I told the woman who nodded, beating Balthazar into compelling our entrance.

He rolled his eyes as we walked in completely free of charge. "Okay, perhaps you're right and something's wrong. How is a museum suppose to help?" He questioned, looking in disgust at a vase which was labeled 'Julius Caesar's vase'. "That's a fake." He scoffed looking around to make sure no one was watching.

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