Hello Mother Dearest.

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F O R T Y - S E V E N
Hello Mother Dearest

As quick as a whip, Tom pointed his wand sending a stream a wordless green magic my way. In a movement full of fast reflexes, I dodged his spell.

Currently, Tom and I stood testing each other's strengths. Seeing how far the other could be pushed, going to the brink of our limits. Not to mention our competitive nature.

The archangel Nephilim vs. the Darkest Wizard of all time. Who shall win?

Twirling my hands dramatically, I sent a blast of golden energy which clashed with another green spell of Tom's harshly. Both forces hissed, before disintegrating. Neither Tom nor myself wasted time in trying to take the offensive position.

Much to my joy and Tom's dismay, I got the upper hand, sending blast after blast of energy surging toward him. He waved his wand, putting up a strong shield deflecting every blast I sent toward him.

Deciding to try a different tactic, I was taken off guard when Tom put a powerful shield up in order to block him while he waved his wand sending the couch at me. I let out a startled yell, jumping out of the way just in time for the couch to go flying over my head, crashing against the wall.

Taking advantage of my distraction, Tom gained to upper hand, mercilessly firing dozens of different spells in an attempt to slow me down. He knew he couldn't hurt me, and so he used that to his help, continuously tossing powerful curses at my direction.

Growling in frustration and feeling a bit embarrassed that Tom managed to get the upper hand of who was supposed to be one of the most powerful beings in existence, I sent an immense amount of gold energy hurdling at him.

It all happened in slow motion, the blast hit Tom sending him to the ground. Panic dug at my chest when I realized Tom wasn't moving.

Did I kill him?

Racing forward, I flung myself down to my knees shaking Tom in a frenzy. Before I could utter a word, Tom's hand darted up grabbing the nape of my shirt and he had pulled me down to the ground. My eyes were wide as Tom straddled on top of me, his ivory wand digging into my neck.

"I win." Tom Riddle smirked down at me, myself scowling in frustration at his cockiness.

"Fuck you-" My harsh sentence was cut off by Tom leaning down.

"Maybe later..." He murmured, drawing our lips together.

Unable to stay upset, I smiled into the kiss, appreciating the way Ton linked our fingers together. Lips moving in a sensual manner, I was able to hook my legs around his waist before flipping us over so I was on top.

Tom didn't seem to mind the role change, simply running his hands up and down my spine, gripping a handful of my butt. Gasping into his mouth, he immediately forced his tongue inside, flicking and tasting around.

Tom tasted like cool mint, and dare I say; honey? Not to mention the smell of sinful desire oozing from every pore in his skin. With the couch upside down and destroyed in the corner, Tom and I snogging on the floor alike to a pair of two horny teenagers (which in a way we were), you could say this was quite the sight.

It was only after Tom moaned in my mouth, my hands running through the soft locks of his hair that a knock sounded from the door.

"My lord?" Wormtail's voice quivered, Tom groaning in dismay when I lifted off of him.

"Ignore it." He muttered, trying to bring me back down, continuing in wandering hands all over my body.

I rolled my eyes, standing from him knowing Wormtail was simply dropping off what I asked him too. Sensing the moment was ruined, Tom stood as well with a disgruntled look, dusting off his robes.

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