My Past, Her Future.

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My Past, Her Future

"I swear, we could be professional house decorators." Lavender proudly looked at our hard work to the apartment.

900 North Kingsbury Street, was officially my new home and soon to be Tom Riddle's new home as well.

That was as soon as I went and got the idiot wizard after he pretty much kills himself fighting Harry Potter.

The condo was on the top floor of the complex, with both a modern and old-fashioned touch. Balthazar, Alexius, Lavender, and I had finished painting it about a week ago, and since we finished we had been non-stop shopping for furniture, art, and such.

All I will say is there is not a piece of equipment that cost less than one hundred fifty dollars in here.

At first, I considered moving Tom and me out to the country but was immediately against the idea. I had grown up in the city all my life, I couldn't imagine leaving it. And deep down, I knew Tom slightly preferred the city over a quiet place in the middle of nowhere, even though that was practically the description of Riddle Manor.

Unable to stop myself from racking my eyes over the place, I smiled in content. Paintings of myself from different eras lined the walls, along with pictures of my mother, father, Balthazar, Alexius, even Tom when he didn't realize I had taken photos.

I managed to get my hands on both a portrait of Tom's mother and his father, both of which were hanging proudly on the wall. Knowing Tom didn't like his father all that much, I would take it down if it bothered him. But I had a feeling he'd like it.

The plan this whole time was to leave right before the battle, allow history to play itself out, and then once Harry won, I'd go back resurrect him as quick as possible and take him home. Even if he didn't want too, I was not about to let him slip away.

Tom will see, I'll show him a better life than his last.

"Oh, I can't believe you're moving out! I feel like it was just yesterday I was moving in with you." Balthazar pinched my cheeks, myself blushing while smacking his hands away.

"Let's be honest uncle," I sighed in dismay, knowing what was bound to happen. "You're probably just going to move in with Tom and me." Balthazar smiled, throwing his hands around my shoulder.

"That's my girl, always correct!" I rolled my eyes while he mockingly kissed my cheek, Alexius bursting out in laughter, and Lavender giggling while subconsciously
toying with the engagement ring around her ring finger.

"Anyone else in the mood for Mexican food, or maybe a hot dog? Actually, never mind, I think I want Chinese instead." Lavender rambled, Alexius shaking his head while pressing a kiss to the side of her head.

My mouth fell open at her words, eyes narrowing suspiciously. It was a long-shot, and I probably wasn't right, but it was worth a try. Listening closely, allowing my super-hearing to truly take lead, my eyes ran to Lavender's stomach which was covered by a warm sweater.

Balthazar must have had the same inkling because he too was doing as I was. We had to listen for a second, myself shushing the newly engaged couple, focusing on the sounds coming from her stomach. Slight growling, she really was hungry, but below all that, ever so quietly...

I gasped covering my mouth, eyes comically wide. Slower than normal and yet still there, alike to a drumming beat, was another heartbeat. Already strong, for Lavender couldn't be more than a few weeks along.

"You two had sex!" I crossed my arms, Alexius giving me a confused look.

"Uhh..." Lavender was blushing hard. "Yeah, a few times actually. That's normally what couples do." Alexius laughed, stopping when he saw my expression. "What's wrong?"

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