The Hogwarts Express.

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T W E N T Y - F I V E
The Hogwarts Express

"Pandora, we're going to be late!" Lavender's voice pierced through my peaceful slumber, making me groggily open my eyes.

I was momentarily blinded by the light coming through the window, groaning covering my head with blankets. I jumped upon the feeling of a pillow hitting me harshly.

"The train leaves in thirty minutes!" Lavender was squabbling to pack her bag, and pull on her clothes at the same time.

Raising a brow at the nice yellow sundress she was buttoning, I tilted my head. She had on short black heels as well as white gloves adorning her hands. As soon as she had buttoned the dress completely, she pulled out her wand waving it around her hair.

In seconds her face had on the perfect amount of make up, and her hair flowed down her back in the perfect curtain of ringlet curls. With a huff she put her wand away in the recess of her dress, struggling to pack the rest of her items in a trunk.

Looking around the room, I noticed the beds of our other two roommates completely made and their stuff no where to be found. It was only Lavender and I in the room.

"Pandora." She groaned, jumping on her trunk to get it shut. "GET UP!"

Rolling my eyes, I breathed a sigh. Within a second my form was standing in front of my newly made bed, the trunk of clothes Dumbledore had gifted me completely packed and sitting a top the bed closed.

In the place of pajamas was a blue sailor dress with random flats on my feet. My hair was neatly pulled back in a bun, keeping the unruly strands out of my face. Grabbing my cross necklace from the dresser, I put it around my neck looking back to Lavender with a smile painted across my lips.

Lavender watched me with a hand placed on her hip, a frazzled expression on her face. Grabbing my trunk, I smiled. "Ready?" She looked back at her trunk with was practically falling open from the clothes, looking to me with a pleading expression.

Waving my hand, the clothes in her trunk folded neatly and the locks closed tight making her shake her head in disbelief.

"I love having a Nephilim as a friend." She laughed, picking up her trunk.

Together, we laced our arms walking out of the empty dorm. Walter was looking to his wrist-watch a slightly panicked expression on his face, before meeting our figure. He rose his brows looking the our close forms with something akin to a smile.

"Did something happen between the two of you?" He tilted his head curiously, as we all walked out of the common room for the last time as a fifth-year student.

Lavender and I met gazes, giggling slightly. "Nope." Lavender said, me finishing her sentence. "Nothing at all."



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