Goodbye For Now.

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T H I R T Y - S E V E N
Goodbye For Now

"PANDORA! WAKE UP!" It was Alexius's scream which woke me from my horrid slumber.

"PANDORA! WAKE UP!" It was Alexius's scream which woke me from my horrid slumber

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My throat was dry, it felt like I had been screaming for hours on end. Below me, I could see Alexius clutching his head, making noises of pain. Lavender was a few feet away from him, except something was wrong. She didn't move, she simply lay on the ground eyes closed, and worst of all, not breathing.

Strangled gasps left me as I scrambled out of bed, racing to them. Gripping Alexius's shoulder, a small breath of relief passed through me when I noticed he was calming, without further delay I made my way to Lavender's body which was now shaking alike to some sort of seizure.

Her fingers curled in and her eyes had gone wide open with the irises rolled to the back of her head. Gurgles of pain made way out of her mouth, and her body twitched all over. A sob of panic left me as I fell to my knees at her side, knowing to roll her on her side.

Foam left her lips, me only harshly patting her back in an attempt to help. "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault, I'm sorry Lavender!" I cried, as she shook, me not knowing what to do.

Alexius now better, but still looking weak joined me panicking over her as well. "What did I do!" My voice held nothing but hysteria and remorse as she seemed to be dying right at my fingertips.

Alexius ran his fingers through his hair, cussing while giving me a sad look. "You had a nightmare, and you screamed." His voice shook. "But when you screamed, your voice was your true visage..." His words blurred out, my world stopping once he uttered the sentence.

Alike to any other angel, my body was a vessel. Yes, I was born into this body making it my own, but I was still able to leave my body and possess someone else at any given time. Angel's true visage was something extreme and dangerous to any other creature other than themselves and Nephilim. When something else laid eyes on an angel's true form their eyes were burned out, the same went for an angel's voice.

It was so overwhelming to anyone else that when their voice was heard, people generally went deaf or in worst cases actually died. I was no different, Alexius was able to stand hearing or seeing my true visage for a good amount of time— longer than anyone else, but even if he were to stare or listen too long, he would succumb to fate known as death.

"No, no, no," I muttered looking to Lavender. "I didn't mean to." I cried, Alexius only rubbing Lavender's hand giving her a teary-eyed look.

Before either one of us could do anything else, Albus Dumbledore came bursting through the door, slamming it shut behind him. He had barely even looked at us when his attention fell to Lavender.

Dumbledore moved quickly, clicking the door locked with a wave of his wand. He examined Lavender's form, trying a few healing spells that did nothing to help the trauma running through her mind.

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