Chapter 7 - Oh My Goodness! How Could You?!

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Kamea's POV

After the episode with Candi, Cris leads me to his kitchen. I thought Reed's kitchen was amazing. Cris' kitchen puts Reeds' to shame. It had a double of everything - stove/oven, sinks, kitchen islands, refrigerator with double doors, and freezer. Cabinets galore, pots and pans, and I noticed a wine fridge.

"Wow, I love your kitchen. I could get lost in here."

"Thank you.' Cris said with a gleaming smile.

"He has such a beautiful smile. He really is a charming, handsome, muscular, sexy man."

He caught me staring at him, so he smirked, winked, and blew a kiss. I was blushing like a little schoolgirl.

After surveying his kitchen, I told him what he needed to get rid of and substitute it for something with little to no sugar. Instead of canned fruits and vegetables, switch to fresh ones. He told me it might be hard for him to give up pasta. I told him he didn't have to give up pasta. Portion control is key when it comes to bread, pasta, potatoes, and many other starchy foods.

"If you would like, I can show you how I portion out my meals. And believe me when I say I love Italian food. So, I fix my dinner for the week and make sensible portions. The same also goes with sweets - portion control. And sugary drinks are a no-no."

"I see you have a wine fridge. Moderate alcohol consumption is recommended for people with diabetes. For males, 1 to 2 drinks a day. For Día and Rocco, slowly cut back on the sugary cereals. Also, whole grain products are excellent choices. As for meats, you may eat leaner cuts. For dairy, make sure it is low-fat. Drinks - water, unsweetened beverages. If you drink beer, make sure it is light, and coffee with low-fat milk and sugar substitute. I know it is a lot, so don't worry. I can help you every step of the way."

Cris's POV

"I hope you do."

If I get to see her beautiful smile every day, I'll take it. As we were about to go grocery shopping, Rocco came over and asked her, "Can I ask you what your name is?"

She replied, "Sure, cutie. You and Día can call me Kam."

"Call her Ms. Kam, understand?" I said calmly.

"Yes, daddy." Rocco and Día replied.

I bent down to their level and told them both, "Ms. Kam is going to help us eat better so daddy can always be there for you. How do you like that?"

Both twins ran over to Kamea, and while hugging her, they said: "Thank you, and we love you, Ms. Kam."

"You're nice and really pretty," my baby girl said.

"Daddy, can Ms. Kam be your girlfriend?" Rocco then added.

Nobody knew what to say. I glanced Kamea's way. She was blushing big time. They have known her for the past few days and have already become attached to her.

"That has to be a sign, right?" I pondered to myself.

"You both are too sweet. I love you both, too," Kamea replied and hugged them back.

I looked at my parents, who both gave me a thumbs up and mumbled, "She is a keeper."


After we got home from the grocery store, Kamea made dinner for everyone. Over dinner, we got to know more about her and her family. She also told us about how she wanted to travel back to Italy and loved the Italian language and culture.

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