Chapter 36 - Miranda Is Back

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Cris' POV

"Oh great. The last person, besides Chase, that I want to see." 

"Listen to me, do not say one word. Whatever Miranda says, let me handle it, understand?"

"Okay. But she needs to go away because the three of us are hungry." 

"Well, Cris, aren't you going to introduce who this is?" 

"This is my wife, the woman I am happily married to and love tremendously. Now, can you please leave so we can eat lunch in peace? It is not nice to see you, and I hope never to see you again!"

"Hmm, your wife, you say? She doesn't look like the marrying type. She looks like the hump-and-dump type. Wow, Cris, you really have lowered your standards."

Kamea slammed her fists down on the table and was about to stand up. "Look here, lad......"

"Kamea, do not get up! Sit down! I said I will handle it!"

I stood up and got in her face. I know it caused a scene, but I did not care. "Miranda, the only one who is that type is you! You cheated on me for Chase! And he told me you cheated on him! If I hear you EVER talk down to my wife again, I have no problem having your life ended!" 

"Ooh, Mr. Fiore has a fight in him now. You do not scare me, Cris. In fact, it is quite sexy. How about we have a glorious night of pleasure to reminisce? Wifey here would not mind." 

Kamea was about to pounce. "Kamea Fiore, SIT DOWN NOW! She did that on purpose!"

"You have 5 seconds to get out of my face! Don't test me, Miranda! I have always had the will to fight for what is mine! I love Kamea, so of course, I am going to fight for her! You, on the other hand, cheated, so why would I fight for you?!!!" 

The hostess finally came over. "Sir, is everything okay?"

"No, it is not! My wife and I are leaving!" As we got up to leave, I tried to grab Kamea's hand, but she yanked it away from me. "Don't touch me!"

Here comes our first argument.

I tried to grab her arm, but she yanked it away. So, as soon as we reach the truck, "Will you stop walking away from me!" I said to her as I held her against the door of the truck.

"No! I am thirsty and hungry! And I am sick and tired of running into your crazy exes who call me out of my name! First, it was Candi, then Addison calling me a 'hoe,' and now this trick! She even proposed that the two of you have a night of sex right in front of my face!!!!"

"I was never in a relationship with Addison!

"Whatever! She is crazy! Oh, and let's not forget your crazy ex-best friend, Chase, who wants to sexually violate me over and over again! Why every time a black woman dates or marries a white guy, it is considered a downgrade or black women are alienating their race?! I was told that crap before!! Why can't we marry whoever the hello we want, regardless of race?"

"And Reed wasn't crazy?! When I tell you to let me handle it, let me do it! How many times do I have to tell you you're pregnant?!!! You cannot get into fights or anything else! People who tell you that Kamea is sick!! They are jealous and miserable! What matters is that I chose you to be the love of my life and the mother of my children! There are no rules for who a person is supposed to date! And did you let those words stop you from becoming a Dietitian and dating someone of another race?"

"No, it didn't. And I know I am freaking pregnant! You have no idea how it feels being called racist names, a 'hoe,' fat, too light, a downgrade because I am black, and all of that other crap I have been called throughout my life! It is hard to sit and take that, Cris! It hurts so much! I am tired of feeling helpless!"

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