Chapter 46 - Back to Jamaica We Go

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Kam's POV

On our flight to New York, Braelyn and I had a girl chat.

"So, Braelyn, what do you like to do for fun?"

"Mommy and Ryan take me to the park. And, sometimes, we have tea parties."

"Okay, so we will take you to the park and have tea parties with Uncle Cris."


"And, sometimes, mommy and I play with her makeup."

I know I will pay for this later, but I had a cute idea. "How about we put makeup on Uncle Cris?"

"Put makeup on who?" He said with a glare.

"Uncle Cris is a boy, aunt Kam."

So, I whispered to Braelyn, "Let's sneak it on him." We both giggled.

Cris then says, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, Uncle Cris. Mommy plays dolls with me."

Layla gave me a list of what Braelyn can't eat and her asthma medicine. "Sweetie, what is one of your favorite things to eat?"

"I like pizza and hamburgers. And mac and cheese."

Layla also said Braelyn likes to eat only homemade mac and cheese. That is one recipe that I somehow mess up. Go figure. But, for Braelyn, I will try to make it for her.

For the rest of the flight, Braelyn fell asleep and laid her head on Cris. He eventually picked her up and cradled her in his arms. "Thanks, handsome. This means a lot to me. I wish Layla and I didn't lose contact with each other. But I am so glad to have her back. And thank you again for the surprise anniversary. Time has flown by so fast that it has been five months since we were married. Best year of my life - married and pregnant with twins. But, also saddest because of my mom. Wait until my father hears about Layla."

"You're welcome, love. It's all thanks to Adriana and Marco. So, I heard that part about makeup and dolls. It's fine. Whatever makes Braelyn happy, I will do it."

Cris winked, then leaned in for a kiss. The flight back to New York was smooth. The flight Ryan chose left Jamaica at 8:00 in the morning. We reached New York at 12:37 pm.

Cris called ahead and got us a rental truck. And guess what he got - a white Cadillac Escalade. My husband knows me well. "Braelyn, sweetie, we are here. Let's get you off the plane."

"Okay, Aunt Kam." We got up and walked off the plane. The truck was waiting for us, so we put Braelyn in the back seat. Cris and I got in the front. We didn't have a car seat for her, so Cris made sure to drive as safely as possible. I heard that New Yorkers are jerks when it comes to driving. Hmm, I can handle them. But Cris is driving this time. We reached Ryan's house in about an hour.

"Ryan has a nice house."

Cris gave me the keys to the house so he could carry Braelyn, who fell asleep. But, as soon as we got in the house, my phone started ringing. I looked at it and was surprised at who it was.

"Hey Layla, we just made it to Ryan's house. Cris took Braelyn up to her room for a nap. I was going to call you once we got settled."

"Kam, I hate to do this, but can you and Cris bring Braelyn back to Jamaica?"

Layla sounded really upset, and I could tell she was crying. "Layla honey, what's wrong?"

Irreplaceable (BWWM - Book #1 / Complete)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora