Times Move Fast

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A year later, decked out in fresh, crisp clothes to commemorate their starting of the ninja academy, the three friends grinned at each other as they sat, side by side, all throughout the orientation. "This is so boring," Naruto whispered. "Doesn't it make you..make you wanna spice things up?" He grinned an evil grin and rubbed his hands together.

Sasuke smirked. A prank sounded perfect. He respected the Third, but seriously? Talking for an hour to six year olds? It was bound to get old soon.

Sakura looked a bit affronted, but after an extremely persuasive puppy eyes look from Naruto, she gave in. "Oh alright. What are we doing?"

"Come closer." Naruto motioned them together, only slightly huddled, so that no one would notice them plotting. "What do you have on you?"

"I have paper and ink. I brought them for school," Sakura whispered. "You?"

"I have notebooks, ink, pencils, erasers..." Sasuke ticked his fingers off. "...Scissors, some kunai, shuriken, and lunch."

"You sure are prepared," Naruto muttered. "Well, I have paintballs, superglue, paper, ink, feathers, hot sauce, rubber bands, smelly socks.."

"Wait, smelly socks and paintballs?" Sasuke furrowed his brow. "You came for the sole purpose of creating a big mess, didn't you?"

Naruto cackled. "Why else would I come to boring orientation? Life Lesson #1, orientations are always boring."

"Since when were you so wise?" Sakura laughed and patted Naruto on the back. "You're only five!"

"So what's the plan?" Sasuke impatiently nudged his two friends. "I hope we don't have to rip out pages from my notebook. They're all brand new."

"Nah, we have plenty of paper. At least I do," Naruto reached into his backpack and pulled out a sealing scroll. "I've been researching ways to carry lots of things at once! Isn't it cool? I'll teach you guys later. For now, we'll just need your ink. All of it."

Sasuke grumbled. There went his good ink. He pulled it out and handed it over. "Now what?"

"We combine our superglue, our feathers, our ink and paper, and with a little bit of ninjutsu, give this room a complete makeover!"

"Hmm," Sakura and Sasuke exchanged predatory glances. "Any ideas how to do this without any of the Jounin, or the Hokage for that matter, from noticing?"

"Simple," Naruto folded his hands in his lap, looking straight at the still speaking Hokage, the very image of an innocent bystander, giving no hint that he was actually plotting with his friends. "you two are going to make a distraction."


"OH DEAR HELP ME GOD! MY HAAAAAAAAAIIRR!" Ino shrieked. Her long blonde hair was now drenched in superglue and stuck fast to the chair. A few moments ago, Ino thought she had been feeling something cold sliding down her ponytail, but dismissed it as cold air conditioning. Until now, when she lifted a hand to run it through her hair, and come in contact with a sticky substance that refused to let her hand go, she did not realize what had been done to her head. So she had done the next best thing she could. She screamed.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" She opened her mouth wide and screeched in horror. Two rows away, Sakura and Sasuke high fived under the chairs. Naruto gave a discreet thumbs up as his other hand was busy working at a bundle of paper.

"Done yet?" Sasuke muttered quietly as he slid back into his seat. The many eyes in the stadium were now focused on Ino, and with the way how Ino's mother was also screaming in shock, no one was going to notice them anytime soon. The Hokage himself had paused in his speech to come take a look. Moments later, Sakura slid into her seat next to the Uchiha. "Hurry up!" She hissed. "Ino's a loudmouth and she's going to keep people occupied, but only for so long." Another high pitched scream ensued as Ino's mother futilely tried pulling her daughter's hair loose.

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