happy birthday deidei

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Deidara sat on the couch at the Akatsuki base, just like any other morning. The complete usual. Except, today was Deidara's birthday. He'd never admit it to another person, but really all he wanted was Sasori no Danna... The blonde rolled the spoon around in his cereal absentmindedly. But that was crazy, nobody would probably even know it was his birthday... Especially that emotionless puppet. Deidara rubbed his chin in thought. Well, He did have to give his personal information when they recruited him so maybe... just maybe if Sasori no Danna was paying close attention he would... No, impossible. 

Even if they knew, would anyone in this organization even care?

"Deidara senpai!" Tobi whined from behind him. "You already got yourself cereal... But then how will you eat the pancakes I made for you?" Deidara turned his head around in confusion, "Hm? Tobi, why would you make me pancakes?" "Because..." Tobi walked in front of the blonde, presenting the plate to him. 

"It's your birthday! I tried to write 'Happy Birthday Senpai' with syrup but it kinda ran all over the place and now you can't really tell. But it's the thought that counts, right? I tried really hard, Senpai!" Deidara couldn't help but smile lightly, at least this dumbass cared... But could Sasori no Danna? He took the plate from Tobi gratefully. "Uhhh... I suppose I should... you know... what you say when somebody does something nice for you, hmmm." The blonde admitted, turning away out of embarrassment.

"Psssh! Don't thank me, Senpai. It's your birthday!" Tobi exclaimed, taking the unfinished bowl of cereal and putting it on the coffee table. "Oh! I guess you need a fork now! I got too excited and forgot that most essential part! Be right back!" Tobi said frantically, returning to the kitchen. It was just across from the living room so it wasn't that far. Deidara sighed with amusement. That was Tobi. The masked nin returned, huffing and puffing, "Here you go, Senpai!"

"I'm not going to get food poisoning, am I?" Deidara asked sceptically. "Of course not, Tobi is the best cook, y'know?" The masked nin stated proudly, sitting down on the couch next to the blonde. He peered at his senpai curiously, hopefully he would like them. Deidara gave him an unimpressed expression then took a bite, chewing awkwardly as Tobi stared at him. They were really good... But would he stop staring?! It was making the blonde uncomfortable. "Soooooo?~" Tobi asked curiously. "It's good, hm." Deidara admitted.

The goofy nin clasped his hands together, "I'm so glad! So uhm, Senpai..." He changed his tone to be more serious. "What would you like for your birthday?" "A genie, hm." Deidara said stubbornly and then continued to eat. The taller boy rubbed his chin in confusion, "I would totally get you one but I'm not sure if they exist! Oh, and if they do, I don't know if I could find one by the end of today!" Tobi fretted, as if the suggestion was serious. Well he thought it was serious, he was Tobi. Deidara chuckled, "It was a joke, Tobi, hm. But really it would take three wishes to grant what I want..." The blonde admitted sadly. As if Tobi would even understand.

"Oh! I could be your metaphorical genie! Just give me your wishes and I'll make sure they come true!" Tobi said excitedly. Deidara smirked, "Thanks, Dummy. But really though, it's out of your control. It kind of relies on another person... hm..." He blushed slightly, the most he'd ever admitted about his secret crush before. But it was Tobi, he probably wouldn't understand what he was saying anyway. "Ohh! I know that face!" The masked nin giggled. Deidara blushed harder, did he really know? "Oh, Senpai. You've fallen in love with me, haven't you?" He petted the other boys back comfortingly and Deidara frowned. "I should have seen it coming... You say it's out of my control because you can't force me to feel the same! Not only has senpai noticed me, but he's fallen in love with me too! Oh my, oh my. But senpai you see,..." "You idiotic, moron, ignoramus! I'm not in love with you, stupid!" Deidara shouted angrily.

Hearing part of the conversation, Hidan couldn't help but see what was going on. 'What had Tobi done this time?' He thought amused. "You're...not?" Tobi said dumbfounded. "I'm not! N-O-T. As if I would fall in love with an artistically challenged being like you, hm." Deidara huffed, crossing his arms. The silver haired male burst out laughing, sneaking up behind the couch, "What the fuck is going on? Did you just confess your love to blondie or something? I've told you many times Tobi, he may look like a girl, but it's a trap!"

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